November 8 Xur Exotic Armor, Weapons, and Recommendations

Key Takeaways

  • Xur returns to Destiny 2 with a new piece of exotic legendary gear permanently located in the Bazaar region for a limited time.
  • For armor of the week, Xur has Stronghold, Foetracer, and Ophidian Aspect.
  • Along with the new Hawkmoon roll, Xur's weapons include Hard Light, Arbalest, and The Colony.

Xur is back again. Destiny 2Complete with new exotic legendary gear that players can check out for a limited time. The frustrating weapon perk weighting bug has finally been removed in this week's update, putting an end to the issue of certain rolls not dropping. As a way to say thank you to the community, Bungie has a few things planned for players, including a double drop of Vesper's Host and free god rolls for everyone. Destiny 2 player.

Regarding Episode Revenant, Bungie also announced something new. Destiny 2 Developer live streaming on November 12th. Similar to what the developers did with Episode: Echoes, players will get a sneak peek at what's coming in Act 2, as well as a bit of narrative and all the new weapons and loot. Future activities as well. You'll also have the opportunity to unlock special engrams if you watch on Twitch.


Destiny 2 New Update Coming in November 2024

Bungie has released update for Destiny 2, fixing a variety of issues, including disappointing weapon perk issues, while also making changes to the Crucible.

Meanwhile, Weekend Vendor Xur is back with new exotic items and legendary gear. Destiny 2 player. Follow this guide to see his current weekend location, news about the Exotic Cipher quest, and a review of all the exotic legendary gear he brought with him for the weekend of November 8, 2024.

Where is Xur?

Xur has now taken permanent residence in the Bazaar area inside The Tower, so he can no longer hunt come weekend.

Destiny 2 Jur

The Bazaar is located between two fast travel points, so players can choose to load either one. Go to the area with Ikora and Hawthorne and look towards the back wall to find the Ramen Shop. Looking at the store, Xur is standing in the alley on the right.

Destiny 2 Class Armor and Exotic Ciphers

Xur's role continues to offer the usual weekly quests, exotic items, and legendary gear. These quests are not only required to purchase the Second Destiny Engram, but they are also required to obtain Legacy Exotic gear from the Tower Kiosk. Players can earn new passwords by completing strikes and winning Crucible or Gambit matches. You can earn bonus points by playing with clan members or completing more difficult activities.

Xur's Exotic Armor

Destiny 2 Ophidian Aspect

Offidian Aspect – Warlock Gauntlets

exotic perks:

  • Cobra Totem – Very fast weapon preparation and reload speeds. Provides a small advantage to the air effectiveness stat for all weapons.

This won't be an exotic for everyone, as the benefits are quite low compared to some of the more recent additions to the game. But it's really great and could be a good companion for activities like Crucible, where weapon readiness and reload speed can be the difference between seeing a loading screen and living.

Statistical values ​​(66 total):

  • Mobility +7
  • Resilience +6
  • Recovery +21
  • Discipline +2
  • Intelligence +23
  • Strength +7

destiny 2 foetracer-1

Foetracer – Hunter Helmet

exotic perks:

  • Relentless Stalker – Casting an ability on a powerful combatant or guardian temporarily increases the damage of that type of weapon. Killing that marked target with damage matching the element creates an elemental pickup.

Although it's technically the lowest tier exotic, it's also the only one worth investing in this week, especially for Crucible Hunter players.

Statistical values ​​(65 total):

  • Mobility +20
  • Resilience +7
  • Recovery +6
  • Discipline +6
  • Intelligence +6
  • Strength +20

A new video shows how Destiny 2's forgotten Exotic life has been refreshed with the Exotic armor rework from Season of the Deep.

Stronghold – Titan Gauntlets

exotic perks:

  • Clenched Fist – Maximizes the guard stat of the equipped sword. Reduces damage taken while blocking with a sword. Quickly dealing damage to a target after blocking a shot with your sword grants healing for a duration determined by the number of shots blocked.

This is an exotic sword, so you can completely ignore it. It also has high mobility, which isn't a good stat for Titans, so buyer beware.

Statistical values ​​(66 total):

  • Mobility +16
  • Resilience +8
  • Recovery +12
  • Discipline +10
  • Intelligence +6
  • Strength +14

Xur inventory items

7th grade Destiny 2 We've upgraded Xur's inventory, adding a true ranked progression system, rewards, and focus options. Xur also has more than just weapons and armor, including:

  • Solar coal catalyst – suggestion!
  • The catalyst chosen by travelers
  • Xurfboard (skimmer board vehicle)
  • Essentialism/Stoicism/Solipsism or exotic cipher
  • Exotic Engram
  • Ascension Alloy
  • glimmering
  • reinforced core
  • Nightfall Cipher (Expert)
  • Strange Gift (1 Strange Coin plus random item)

Xur's Exotic Weapon

Year 7's revamp of Xur also added the ability to provide multiple exotic weapons in a single visit. Here's what's in Xur this weekend:

Destiny 2 Hawkmoon Exotic Hand Cannon

Hawkmoon – Hand Cannon

  • Necromancer Shot – Dealing final blows and precision strikes with Hawkmoon grants stacks of Necromancer Charge. The last round in the magazine deals additional damage based on the number of stacks. Stalking Hawkmoon in the last round removes this bonus.
  • polygonal liner
  • alloy magazine
  • snapshot spot
  • heavy grip

Destiny 2 Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle Crossbow

Arbalest – Linear Fusion Rifle

  • Compound Force – Fires a slug that deals massive damage to combatants' shields. Strong against barrier champions.
  • Disruption – Destroying an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to physical damage for a short period of time.
  • extended barrel
  • projection fuse
  • Comprehensive stocks

Destiny 2 Hard Light Exotic Automatic Rifle

Hard Light – Automatic Rifle

  • Volatile Light – Bullets fired from this weapon deal reduced damage, hyperpenetrate targets, and ricochet off hard surfaces. Increases projectile damage after bouncing.
  • Basics – As you keep reloading, this weapon's damage type will cycle between Solar, Electric, and Void. Grants various stats depending on the damage type selected.
  • polygonal liner
  • alloy magazine
  • Comprehensive stocks

fate 2 colony

The Colony – Grenade Launcher

  • Insectoid Robot Grenade – This weapon's grenades are insectoid robots that track their target and explode nearby. Consume stronger combatants to create additional robots.
  • Colony Service – Insectoid robot grenades quickly refill their magazines from reserve while no colony is equipped.
  • linear compensator
  • high speed bomb
  • Comprehensive stocks

Xur holding a treasure trove in Destiny 2.

Xur's Destiny 2 Legendary Armor Set and Weapons

Xur's legendary armor and weapon set. All gear costs 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer.

  • No Reprie (Kinetic Shotgun)
  • Long-distance pull (kinetic sniper rifle)
  • Cartesian Coordinates (Energy Fusion Rifle)
  • First in, first out (energy shotgun)
  • Interference VI (Heavy Grenade Launcher)
  • Falling Guillotine (Heavy Sword)
  • Crown Crusher/Swift Fang/Eternal Blade (Heavy Sword)
  • Strange Weapon Engram
  • Holdfast Armor Set

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