One Piece Episode 1132 Announces New Release Date After Fear of Delay

This article contains spoilers for the Elbaf episode of One Piece.

Key Takeaways

  • The release of One Piece Chapter 1132 was postponed to December 1, 2024, adding to confusion among fans.
  • One Piece Chapter 1132 is now scheduled to release on November 17, 2024, assuring fans that there will be no further delays.
  • Fans can officially access One Piece chapters for free through the Manga Plus and Viz Media apps.

one piece Fans were happy that the manga recently returned with episode 1131 after a three-week hiatus. However, this joy was incredibly short-lived, as confirmed yesterday by Biz Media's official source. one piece Now, another hiatus is set to take place, and it looks like fans will have to wait three weeks. one piece Chapter 1132 Of course, it was a big shock to fans, and many people wondered why such a big change occurred.


Oda reveals the biggest problem facing One Piece.

Oda, the author of One Piece, has been working on this story for over 25 years. He reveals the big problem he faces.

Naturally, fans were not given a reason, as the break schedule is announced when a new Jump issue is released. The fact that Oda had planned to release a chapter this week but suddenly decided to take a hiatus confused many readers. But now, another major update has arrived amidst exciting circumstances. one piece Chapter 1132 will be released sooner than fans imagined, which is a huge relief for all readers.

One Piece Episode 1132 Delay Fear Confused Fan

  • It turns out One Piece will be taking a break for three more weeks.
  • Manga Plus, One Piece release date update

one piece Chapter 1132 was previously expected to be released on December 1, 2024. This was a huge disappointment for fans who had been waiting for three weeks for Oda to publish a new chapter. The wait was certainly difficult and extremely long, but even more worrying was the fact that it may have had something to do with Oda's health. Typically, Oda has his own rest schedule. After every three chapters, the author takes a break and then comes back with another three chapters, unless Jump breaks to disrupt the schedule. Occasionally Oda will take a break after completing two chapters, but this is very rare. However, this break schedule is often announced along with new jump issues, so it is not a cause for concern among fans.

I never have to worry about running out of comic ideas. I am confident that if you think hard, you will come up with good ideas. All that remains is the battle to keep my lifespan from running out before One Piece reaches its final chapter. – come

But this time, Oda was planning to release One Piece chapter on November 17, 2024. However, it was suddenly revealed to fans that Chapter 1132 of One Piece would be released on December 1, 2024. The most reliable source of information readers can have, Comics Plus. Naturally, fans began to wonder about Oda's health, and rumors began to circulate that his health condition was worsening, with his blood pressure dropping significantly. Of course, all of this is just a rumor and it was confirmed this morning that One Piece will be released much sooner than December 1st. At the same time, this also reassures fans that Oda is fine and there are no problems at all. Not at all to his health.

One Piece Episode 1132 Release Date Update

One Piece Episode 1132 is scheduled to be released on November 17th.

After the big scare fans were made to believe one piece It's scheduled for release in December, and it brings another big change. Earlier today from official sources MANGA PLUS and Viz Media. one pieceThe release date of Episode 1132 has been updated once again. Now it's officially confirmed. one piece Chapter 1132 will be released immediately as scheduled. This means there won't be another break before the next chapter. one piece hit, and that one piece Chapter 1132 is scheduled for expungement on November 17, 2024. This also confirms that there is nothing wrong with Oda and that the news is just an error on the part of someone at Manga Plus. It's possible that something was wrong with Oda, but it wasn't a cause for great concern, so publication of chapter 1132 was reverted to its usual release date.


One Piece: Did Shanks beat Loki in the past?

Shanks and Loki have a deep history in One Piece. Shanks might have fought this giant prince.

Fans can breathe a sigh of relief. one piece The Elbaf arc will continue later this week. This means that the meeting between Luffy and Loki is coming to an end, and at the same time, the reunion between Robin and Saul is also expected. Finally, fans have a lot to look forward to once again, and most of all, readers can rejoice that Oda is safe and healthy.

Of course, these were very confusing times. one piece Especially since there is a lack of information about what exactly is happening in the manga and whether there are any issues with Oda's health. We hope that the situation will become clearer for all fans in the coming days and our readers can only hope for good news.

Is One Piece on hiatus again?

Currently, One Piece is following its normal schedule.

Nico Robin New Haircut One Piece 1132

As stated by Manga Plus, the industry's most trusted source, one piece Chapter 1132 will be released on time. That means no delays. one piece There will be no rest this week. Of course, it is not yet clear what exactly caused yesterday's panic. It is not clear whether the publication date revealed by Comics Plus today is real or not. All fans know is Manga Plus one piece Chapter 1132 starts on November 17th and this is definitely a major reason for fans to celebrate.

But that said, fans are still worried because leaks usually start rolling in around this time and absolutely nothing is known about it. one piece 1132, which leads many to believe that: one piece After all, Chapter 1132 may not be released this week. That said, this is all speculation and fans know from official sources that the next chapter of the manga is officially scheduled for November 17, 2024.

Fans can only hope that everything goes exactly as planned. one piece Taking another break was nothing more than a scare. Of course, as always, GameRant will continue to update fans on this matter, so keep checking the website. If there are any big changes in the release date of the upcoming One Piece chapter or news about Oda's health, fans can expect to find all the information here.

One Piece Episode 1132 New Release Date

Loki One Piece 1132

One Piece can be read via Viz Media. The series is officially available for fans to read for free through the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The release date of One Piece 1132, the next chapter of One Piece, is scheduled for November 17, 2024.

One Piece-9

toei animation

story by
Eiichiro Oda

number of episodes

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