Pokemon GO needs to make one change to Ultra Balls

Like the games that inspired them, Pokemon GO There are a variety of Pokeballs that players can find, obtain, and purchase. Rare Poké Balls have a higher chance of catching a Pokémon, and the Ultra Ball is the second rarest and most powerful ball after the Master Ball, which automatically catches any Pokémon thrown. However, Pokémon can still disappointingly escape from Ultra Ball, which is consistently frustrating. Pokemon GO player. Small changes to how Ultra Ball works can alleviate this problem. This means that an excellent throw using the Ultra Ball will guarantee an auto-catch, or at least dramatically increase the auto-catch probability.


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A great throw with the Ultraball is a tricky move to pull off.

Unlike the main series pokemon A game where you automatically throw a ball, Pokemon GO Players must manually throw each Poké Ball at the creature they wish to catch. Depending on your aim and the erratic nature of the Pokémon's movements, it is possible for your throw to miss completely. However, a Nice, Great, or Excellent Throw can also occur by hitting close to the center of the presented target.

Achieving an excellent throw involves hitting the center of the circle when it is at its smallest size. They are often so small that you can barely see them on your phone screen. This is a difficult task, and an even more difficult task to do consistently. Making a large number of excellent throws is often considered a sign of a skilled and dedicated player. Pokemon GO player. Many of the particularly challenging Special Research Assignments, including those required to obtain Master Balls, require excellent throws. However, despite its difficulty, good throws only slightly increase the catch chance. It's a disappointing reward, especially when using Ultra Balls.

You'll be rewarded for your practice and dedication with the automatic catch of the outstanding Ultra Ball Throw.

Ultra Balls are very rare, and there's nothing more frustrating than throwing an Ultra Ball (or several) at a Pokémon and the Pokémon in question pops out and runs away. What's even more frustrating is the fact that whether or not you catch a Pokémon is completely random. Pokemon GO After reaching max level over the years, you may fail to catch and lose your Pokemon. Maybe it's a shiny or rare Pokémon.

Allowing Excellent Throws with Ultra Balls to be automatic catches, or even introducing the possibility for them to become so, would be a good way to reward loyalty. Pokemon GO Players who are committed to the game, practicing and improving their skills. This will encourage players to practice their Poké Ball throws so they can achieve good throws more regularly. Potentially, players can save Ultra Balls for moments when they feel they are likely to make an Excellent Throw, or take the risk if it's a Pokémon they really want to catch, like Shiny.

Another area where good throws can be used to reward players is during raids. After defeating a Pokémon in a raid, you must use a limited number of special types of balls (usually Premier Balls) to catch the raid Pokémon. Losing a Pokémon after defeating it in a fairly time-consuming raid is probably the most frustrating thing. If you want to use Excellent Throw against a Raid Pokemon, you need to have at least a low chance of automatically catching it. This will make participating in raids much more rewarding and encourage players to continue practicing and improving their skills. Pokemon GO.

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