Pokemon GO has grown into a large, dedicated community in the years since its dramatic launch in 2016. Although total player numbers have declined since the initial launch week, Niantic still has a dedicated fan base that they continue to support through frequent updates and events. Pokemon GODynamax mechanism added, etc. Pokemon Sword and Shield During the ongoing Max Out season. As this community grows, some of the terminology developed separately from Niantic's work on the game may be unfamiliar to new players.
portion Pokemon GO Players hunt the rarest mons they can find, such as shiny Pokémon or animals with the best stats for battle. But another type of elusive animal exists. Pokemon GO The community called them “nundo” mons, meaning that they represented the worst possible statistical total for a creature of that species. At first glance, it may seem like players will be disappointed to find this type of animal, but Nundomon are incredibly rare. Pokemon GO This means it can be very desirable for collectors.
Pokemon GO's implicit rules explained
Pokemon GO has a dedicated community that continues to support the game to this day, and that community has many unspoken rules.
Pokemon GO's 'Nundo' Mons Has the Worst Stat Line
How to Tell if a Pokemon Is a 'Nundo' Based Pokemon Rating Statistics in Pokemon GO
A Pokémon's abilities determine its effectiveness in battle. Pokemon GO We categorize these statistics into three categories:
Players can check the stats of a specific animal by evaluating its stats on the player box's screen. Each stat is represented on a scale with three levels of power, which affects your overall star rating for the month.
Most players will want to have all three stats maxed out, but players typically look for monsters with varying levels in each stat. However, on very rare occasions players will encounter a mon with no levels in any of the three stats, resulting in a mon called a nundo in the community. These types of mons represent the worst stats a creature can have. Pokemon GOThis is because the IV of any of the three statistical categories is 0.
It's incredibly rare to get a 'Nundo'mon in Pokemon GO.
Players who have Nundo may not want to use it in combat, as it is weak compared to the monsters they will face in gyms or PvP battles. However, Nundo may be one of the rarest mons in the world, so it's worth keeping as a trophy of sorts. Pokemon GO. The default probability that your eye can find an animal is as follows: Pokemon GO Although it is 1 in 4096, these odds do not account for the fact that Nundo cannot appear as a raid, egg, trade, or research quest reward.
Find nundo versions of some Pokemon GO's other rarest mons are much more difficult, making it possibly the rarest mon in the game. Shiny Snow Maiden or even certain Legendary Snow Maidens can be incredibly rare as all three conditions are rare to find individually and even harder to find together. For players looking for a Nundo, called a Hundo, the opposite of a Nundo with perfect IVs, the odds of finding a Nundo are fortunately much higher, as they have a 1 in 216 chance of appearing in raids, eggs, and research tasks.
Probably the rarest mon.
Pokemon GO
Because the Shiny Galarian Bird Nundo is the only legendary monster that can be found in the wild. Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno can only spawn in Daily Incense and have a catch rate of only 0.3%. That said, grabbing the Shiny nundo version is a huge deal.