Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce a massive outbreak event


  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have a massive outbreak event from February 6 to 9.

  • The main Pokemon is Fletchling, Starly and Pikipek.

  • Each Pokemon is likely to be shiny deformation.

  • STARLY and PIKIPEK's onset require the hidden treasure of are Zero DLC.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet We announced a massive outbreak event held in the first week of February. This mass occurrence will be reduced Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The player has the opportunity to score the scores of FLETCHLING, STARLY and PIKIPEK, and each Bird Pokemon has a sparkling opportunity.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet We host a periodic game event to provide a variety of ways to add more animals to the collection. One of these events is a massive occurrence, and the flock of Pokemon gathers in various locations in a given area. Some of these Pokemon have unique characteristics, such as increasing the likelihood of rare marking or shiny deformation. Snake Ekans, Seviper and Silicobra appeared in the previous Pokemon scarlet and purple mass. Each snake Pokemon has a shiny opportunity when fighting.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet present a special distribution event but have catch.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet unveiled a limited time distribution event that gives a specific player to give fans a favorite animal.

2 weeks later Pokemon Scarlet and ViolThe T paradox has been hosted by the TERA RAID event and the trainer can catch some types of flight. According to the serebii.net, the Flying Mass occurring event starts at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 6 and starts at 6:59 pm on Sunday, February 9. Ergo, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers can catch as many pleasures, stars, and pikipeks on weekends as much as they want. It is unknown whether this mass occurrence event will run repeatedly later. FLETCHLING occurs in the Paldea area, a group of starly on the land of kitakami, and the PikipEK cluster will gather throughout the terrarium of the Blueberry Academy.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Flying-Type Mass Details (February 2025)

STARLY and PIKIPEK are both approaching the hidden treasures of Zero Zero DLC. Each mass generation depends on how many stories are going on. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The player is made of caps in the range of 60 levels. Each Pokémon in the Flying Mass Outbreak event can evolve twice with leveling with Talonflame, Staraptor and TOUCANNON.

In addition, massive occurrence improves the sparkling opportunities when Starly, Fletchling and Pikipek meet. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The player creates a flight sparkling power sandwich to increase the meeting speed of sparkling flight Pokemon before heading to a large outbreak. To create a flying power sandwich, you need salty taste and spicy hava mystica and one Prosciutto.

After the flight mass occurs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Host a 5 -star Milcery Tera Raid that players can participate in. All, busy time is waiting for Pokemon fans ahead of 2025 Pokemon Day Festival.

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