Pokemon TCG Pocket, PvP event begins

Key Takeaways

  • The Genetic Apex Emblem event in Pokemon TCG Pocket focuses on player versus player combat.
  • Players can earn Pack Hourglasses simply by participating in battles, and winning enough will reward them with an emblem to display on their profile.
  • The event runs until November 28th.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket have We've launched a new event focused on PvP combat. This event will run until the end of November and will be held simultaneously with two other events. Pokemon TCG PocketOne highlights the Wonder Pick system and the other highlights players fighting the CPU.

Pokemon TCG Pocket It was released on October 30th and has already recorded impressive numbers in terms of downloads and revenue. The number of downloads exceeded 10 million within one day of launch, and the number of downloads exceeded 4 days after launch. Pokemon TCG Pocket It generated an average of $3 million and $12 million in revenue per day. The card game is free, but players can invest in premium passes and gold to speed up the opening of card packs. Typically, players can open two packs per day, with the Premium Pass allowing them to open three packs.


Pokemon TCG Pocket Conspiracy Theory Turns Out To Be Untrue.

A Pokemon TCG player has debunked a popular theory about how to obtain the best cards in the new Pocket mobile game that is taking the fandom by storm.

Players have a way to earn additional pack hourglasses to speed up the opening of new packs. Pokemon TCG Pocket event. The Genetic Apex Emblem event focuses on player versus player combat, and based on the number of wins you achieve, you can earn emblems to display on your profile. There are also two event mission types, one that gives you a Pack Hourglass simply for participating in a fight and another that gives you Shinedust for winning a match.

New Pokemon TCG Pocket PvP Event Has Begun

The Genetic Apex Emblem event runs until November 28, giving players plenty of time to claim their rewards. However, this event occurred shortly after many players expressed their dissatisfaction with PvP. Pokemon TCG PocketPoint out that the match is dominated by meta decks and request a ranked mode. The Genetic Apex Emblem event doesn't appear to have a skill-based matchmaking system, so match quality may vary significantly.

Players who want to participate in PvP events but still need to build a noteworthy deck can try the ongoing Lapras event. This event pits players against CPUs and rewards them with promotional packs for some wins. Packs may contain Lapras EX cards that can be used to: Pokemon TCG Pocket This deck is good enough to build a setup that can take on opponents in the Genetic Apex Emblem event. It's worth noting that the PvP event only awards the Hourglass pack for participation, and the rewards for winning are purely cosmetic. Even players without a strong deck can enjoy the event until the end of the month.

There are currently three events going on: Pokemon TCG Pocket: Wonder Pick Event, Lapras EX Drop Event, Genetic Apex Emblem Event. These limited-time activities give players an added incentive to log into the game instead of waiting 12 hours to open a new pack.

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