Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Card can turn the meta upside down

Pokemon TCG PocketThe next expansion, titled Space-Time Smackdown, is scheduled to release on January 29 and will focus on Gen 4 monsters such as Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Legendaries Dialga, and Palkia. While new sets are released Pokemon TCG Pocket Regardless of the cards featured, the exciting Space-Time Smackdown will be especially interesting to fans looking to see more from lesser-known archetypes. Dialga EX is one of the main cards in the set, and its metal type is Pokemon TCG Pocket It's getting an upgrade that could make it a new contender in the meta.

The Space-Time Smackdown set includes over 140 new cards for players to collect, many of which will help shape a new meta for the game. The final set, Mythical Island, is the largest expansion, adding Space-Time Smackdown rather than a full-size expansion. Pokemon TCG Pocket After game launch in October 2024. But out of all these new cards, Dialga EX might be the most exciting addition that Space-Time Smackdown is bringing to the game.


The next set of Pokemon TCG Pockets will focus on Generation 4 and may put the cart before the horse

Pokemon TCG Pocket's next expansion will feature a lot of Generation 4 Pokemon, but doing so does raise some questions and concerns.

Dialga EX is already the undisputed star of Pokemon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown set.

Pokemon TCG Pocket is severely lacking in powerful metal-type cards.

with Pokemon TCG PocketAs the first set to focus primarily on Gen 1 animals, it makes sense that Genetic Apex would be light on metal-type cards, as steel types weren't introduced until Gen 2. Even though Mythical Island brings more Gen 2 monsters, the set didn't bring any new metal-type cards to the game. As a result, Korea's only metal card is currently available. Pokemon TCG Pocket include:

  • Marwill

  • pawnshop

  • B-sharp

  • Meltan

  • Melmetal

Of these metal types, Melmetal is the most powerful and can form the basis of a decent deck. but, Pokemon TCG Pocket's EX cards are the most powerful in the game, so building a deck without them puts you at a disadvantage compared to players who already have EX cards in their decks. With Dialga EX providing powerful performance to the Metal type, decks that utilize this type are finally able to Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta.

Dialga EX has 150 HP and its retreat cost is only 2 energy. This means it has to be fairly bulky while still being able to be easily converted using trainer cards like X Speed ​​or Leaf. With a powerful 100 damage attack like Heavy Impact, Dialga EX provides a great way to quickly and reliably kill opposing EX monsters before they become too much of a threat, even at a 4 energy cost.

Dialga EX can make dual-type decks more practical.

Perhaps what makes Dialga EX most interesting is its Metallic Turbo attack, which allows players to attach two pieces of Metal Energy to one of their benched Pokémon. Because energy manipulation is the most important factor in combat. Pokemon TCG PocketThis move gives Dialga EX a serious advantage. Players can use this to build energy into a second benched Dialga EX over 2 turns, then switch to the active Dialga EX and immediately attack with Heavy Impact.

Additionally, this ability does not require the player to attach metal energy to a metal type card. This means it can form the basis of a solid dual-type deck. A great strategy is to build a deck full of metallic and colorless types that take metallic energy from Dialga EX's Metallic Turbo, allowing players to quickly gain energy from their bench cards. Likewise, utilizing other cards with colorless energy as attack costs, such as Venusaur EX, allows players to create dual-type metal decks and other types of cards that can be filled with the metal energy of Dialga EX. With the colorless energy you need.

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