Roblox: Fisch – Where to Find Saltwater Pools

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Diving updates aren't just about new equipment; fish There are also new locations and fish. Although they are all located in underwater structures, poor lighting can make it easy for players to miss some passages.

The Brine Pool is a secret location that is inaccessible unless you know where to look. However, this location is home to a special type of fish needed to complete the Bleak Deep Bestiary, so this guide will detail exactly how to find the saltwater pools. fish.


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Fisch's Saltwater Pool Locations

Fish Clarence

First of all, Brine Pool is part of Desolate Deep, so I need diving equipment. Luckily, basic diving equipment is enough to keep you from dying in the water. To find a salt water pool fish, you have to swim desolate pocket.

This is possible if you dive nearby. desolate deep buoy. You will see a whiteboard at the bottom. To its right is a tunnel that you must swim through to reach The Desolate Pocket.

This is a huge cave with a small island in the center. In it, you will find Merchant NPC A person who sells various products, including glider. It will be helpful, so I think it would be a good idea to purchase it here. Alternatively, you can purchase this tool at: Rosslet Bay Island.

Once everything is ready, you can finally arrive at the Brine Pool. fish. first NPC named Clarence On the island. He is easily recognized as he holds a lantern at arm's length. Next, you need to go to the cave pointed to by this NPC.

However, to do this, the player must climb up the rocks below the cave entrance and then use the glider to fly there. Unfortunately, It's impossible to get there without a glider tool. You just have to go a little further to find the Brine Pool location.


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How to Fish in Fish's Saltwater Pools

Fisch's Reinforcing Rod

In the saltwater pool green waterTherefore, it is easy to understand that water is extremely toxic to all forms of life. Despite this, several species of fish are still found here.

  • mythical ghost snake
  • Rare Resident Catfish
  • Unusual Earth Jellyfish
  • Uncommon Saltwater Simp
  • Common gazerfish

But catching them is also difficult. No fishing in salt water pools except with one rod. So you need to install a reinforcing rod. fish first.


September 1, 2006

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