Seven worst assassins for new immigrants


  • Uh ASS New Creed Game has a variety of access to new immigrants depending on complexity.

  • Some titles, such as Origins and Valhalla, have an overwhelming RPG epidemiology.

  • Starting with the same item as John Revelation in the ongoing trilogy, you can confuse new immigrants.

that Assassination The franchise has been in progress for almost 20 years when the article was written, and several titles of the historical period were announced during this period. Not all games have received the sequel to the character's story, but it's still fun even if the player can't connect with the main assassin like EZIO throughout the trilogy.


The assassin's creed game with the most franchise

The assassin's new game has made the franchise in the other direction through success or failure.

portion Assassination The game focuses on providing the best gameplay experience as possible, while others bet more bet on the story to replenish the weaknesses of the game mechanism. Here is Worst Assassination Game for new immigrants. This list will focus on the most unpacked or complex titles for those who enter the franchise, not quality, not quality.


Uh ASS New Creed 3

The introduction of naval battle may be a bit more.


October 30, 2012

  • Good stories, some characters lacked depth,

  • A new game mechanism that you often feel overwhelming

Uh ASS New Creed 3 It is not the best installment in the franchise because of the lack of depth with some characters. And the story of the American Revolution and the historical figures was interesting, but there was room for improvement. But this is not the reason why the game has made a list, but rather a new game mechanism, so it can be attractive to older fans, but it can be too much for new people.

For example, the introduction of the Navy battle was a great idea of ​​Ubisoft, but surprisingly, new immigrants may need.



The story is not the best, so it can be difficult for new immigrants to be fascinated by the franchise.


November 11, 2014

  • It's a good leading character, but others were better

  • Some of the stories can be confused by new immigrants because they act as a bridge between the previous title.

Assassin It's not the most popular title in the franchise. This is not because it is bad, but because there was a development story compared to the masterpiece of other stories throughout the history of the franchise. It acts as a bridge between the previous title and proceeds a little before. AssassinNew immigrants can be surprisingly easily accepted by certain elements they never exposed and characters they have never seen before.


Uh ASS New Creed Valhala: 30 Best Weapon

Assassin's S Creed Valhalla is important to bring players from the wild Viking adventure and carry only the best weapons in the play through.

Shay Patrick Cormac is a good leading character, but not as good or complicated as Ezio, Bayek or Arno.



It is known to have quite a bug


November 11, 2014

  • Beautiful expression of 18th -century France

  • In this title, bugs and flaws were outstanding.

Assassin During the French Revolution, it is a very interesting title with a beautifully designed expression of France. But the innovative game mechanism of the game and the outstanding details could not be saved in the turmoil between players.

Most bugs and game brake gleach have been resolved over the years, but there may be some parts that can leave less experience in new immigrants where they are not comfortable. This can be considerably worse using the mode, so players who want to keep the play -through as cannot be invented as much as possible.



Franchise's first full -fledged RPG title


October 27, 2017

  • first Assassination Title that introduces the entire RPG mechanics

  • New people still need to play the previous title with a classic formula.

Assassin Perhaps the most controversial room Assassination The title was the first installment that was far from the standard formula that made the franchise to jump into the RPG area. In most cases, the game is very fun to convey what it promises and actually play.

But new immigrants who want to get a classic Assassination Experience will want to start elsewhere. Start with the story of Altair by completing the original Assassination The mechanics of the title are a bit foolish, but it is a good idea.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The map is quite large and can be difficult for new immigrants.


October 15, 2018

  • Ancient Greece has a lot of secrets

  • The map can be a bit overwhelming for new immigrants.

Ancient Greece is probably one of the most important times in human history. This is because there were still the most famous philosophers that existed today, epic wars, and many literary works that were still studied today. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Follow that formula Assassin It is greatly established and based on new characters, attractive stories and improved dynamics.

It is not recommended that new people in the franchise will start playing games after the RPG, but those who want to do so will find some challenges. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. For players who have already completed the game several times, there is an interesting way to shake the second play.



We need a strategic approach and a wise combat movement


November 10, 2020

  • Some game mechanisms that can be overwhelming

  • The Viking era creates an interesting environment

A few years ago Assassin Thousands were released Assassination Fans of the franchise have already called for a game set in the Vikings era. Finally, some players liked it, and other players criticized the historical inaccuracy of downloadable content and the story of the game.


All assassin's creed games have been ranked.

From the original to all assassin's creed games have the best and lowest, but which one is the best?

The problem of new people is the first Assassination experience Assassin Same as other titles after RPG. There are so many game mechanisms that the main focus is not entirely on assassination. This title is very fun and must be played by a franchise fan, but it's probably not the first contact with this universe. The player who has already completed this game can be interested in finding some new ways to shake the second play -like.



The third installment of the trilogy can jump into the franchise, which can lead to many things that are meaningless.


November 15, 2011

  • EZIO's trilogy conclusion

  • It is set in the Renaissance Constantinople

Ezio trilogy Assassination The best franchise in space. In addition to following the characters that the player has three different installments to get used to it, it was also established in Renaissance Italy and Constantinople.

Assassin Perhaps it is the worst game that new immigrants start. This is not because it is bad or lack of story, but rather the last installment of the EZIO trilogy. This title is Assassination Although it is a franchise, new immigrants will be extremely confused by many events that occur throughout the story because they continue to talk about EZIO and greatly impress the story of Altair.


8 Characters that can be played by the most charismatic assassin

Uh ASS New Creed Game's characters are different characters and players draw themselves with charisma.

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