Snoop and Ice Spice NPCs in Remix

Key Takeaways

  • NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 2: Remix are causing all sorts of problems, with Ice Spice in particular being called the “worst addition” by fans.
  • Ice Spice was harassing players by throwing ice grenades everywhere, so much so that Epic had to disable them while a fix was released.
  • Snoop and Eminem NPCs are also causing trouble, with Snoop committing suicide and Eminem blowing up a car.

Fortnite Chapter 2: Remix has been going on for several days, bringing artists like Snoop, Eminem, Ice Spice, Juice WRLD, and more to the island. They appear in a variety of ways, including through NPCs that you can hire to help you in battle. Well, that's what they're supposed to do, but as players have quickly found out over the past few days, NPCs like Ice Spice and Snoop can actually sabotage your efforts to get the Victory Royale.

Ice Spice has undoubtedly been one of the worst offenders of recent times. That's because several clips have surfaced online of the rapper completely derailing the game with a very unfortunate ice grenade. There are currently two very famous examples floating around, shared on the Fortnite subreddit by users RaymondVester and Reeves_Wilmoth.

Fortnite Fans Hate Chapter 2: Snoop and Ice Spice NPCs in Remix

An example of RaymondVester's Ice Spice's slandering methods can be seen above. While she is behind the player, she throws a grenade 2 feet in front of her, causing the player to fall from the high platform, taking fall damage and dying. Reeves_Wilmoth shared a similar video a few days ago, showing them on top of a tower with sniper rifles, only for Ice Spice to blast them away with another random ice grenade.


Live service games are now getting remakes too.

There isn't enough to remake, so I'm going to remake a remake.

It was such a widespread issue that Epic Games had to temporarily disable Ice Spice's ice grenade throwing ability while they worked on a fix, but despite this, players still seem to hate her for a variety of reasons. For example, user AboutAverage404 dislikes that Ice Spice can't actually hit you with her spray, but also dislikes that she walks everywhere, calling her “an absolute F-tier NPC.”

Ice Spice isn't the only one bringing the heat, as fellow rappers Snoop and Eminem are also causing trouble. According to a user on ReevesWilmoth's post called Specialist_Injury_68, Snoop has been regularly killing himself with his own bombs, and many people are annoyed that Eminem accidentally blows up his car and kills his entire team. Epic decided to model the AI ​​after how these people actually play Fortnite in real life.

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Fortnite, which started out as a tower defense game, has become one of the biggest video games of all time. Battle Royale mode dominates pop culture, featuring concerts from megastar musicians and crossovers with just about every brand imaginable, from Marvel to the NFL.

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