Stories from the Age of Myth: The Power of the Supreme God

Key Takeaways

  • Lightning Bolt – Instant death against powerful units, useful for instant defense or offense.
  • Traitor – A strategic way to sow confusion among enemy lines by turning enemy units to your side.
  • Ancestor – Summons undead units for instant combat victory. This is a powerful tool to turn the tide.

A hugely successful game Retelling the Age of Myth The successful remake of the infamous Age Of Empires spinoff took real-time strategy fans back to the early 2000s. For other fans Age of Empires The game is easy to pick up for most gameplay. Retelling the Age of MythThere are certain elements, like god powers, that may take some time to get used to.



Top 25 Best RTS Games of All Time (2024 Edition)

In this list, Joel RPG presents the 25 best RTS games of all time.

in Age of EmpiresPlayers age and receive new buildings, units, and technologies. It's the same in Retelling the Age of Myth. Players can now choose between two minor gods who provide different skills, mythic units, and godly powers as they age. These powers range from destructive to constructive, from teleportation to natural disaster, and some are much more useful to access than others.

9 lightning bolt

Instant death for all powerful units

Age of Myths Retell Zeus Lightning Bolt

  • Available to Greek players
  • Zeus's divine power

almost all god powers Retelling the Age of Myth When you grow older, you can choose to obtain one of two minor gods. However, the player begins with the power of a major god that follows throughout the rest of the game. Zeus is a popular main god in the game, and his powers make him one of the most destructive gods, making up a large part of the Greek pantheon.

Lightning Bolt is exactly what players expect. This gives players the opportunity to instantly inflict thousands of points of damage to a single enemy unit. This allows you to instantly deal with powerful mythic units or powerful raiders harassing your villagers. As long as enemy units are within the player's line of sight, enemy units outside of overly strong units, such as Titans, should be eliminated.

8 betrayer

Instant spy between enemy lines

The Age of Myth retold Rhea the Traitor.

  • Available to Atlantean players
  • Leah's Divine Power

The Traitor, the power of the Heroic Age gods of the Atlantean pantheon, is an impressive presence in certain situations. As players may be fighting against large enemy armies later in the game, it becomes more useful to sow chaos wherever it can occur among enemy lines. The Traitor ability targets enemy units and turns them to your side, and can be used on almost any unit.

This means you can bring powerful mythic units, powerful naval units, and units with powerful abilities or healing abilities to your side. Enemies may think they have the upper hand in battle, but one moving powerful unit can change the situation instantly, and enemy players will have a hard time dealing with a situation where one of their more powerful units suddenly and permanently opposes them. It will.

7 relief

Instant victory in battle

The Age of Myth retells the story of Nephthys ancestors.

  • Available to Egyptian players
  • Nephthys' Godly Power

An army of undead rising from the ground can seem overwhelming, and it's not going to put you through the game. Retelling the Age of MythIt's truly devastating. Attacking enemies can be denied by 13 units that rise from towers and the ground and last for a minute before dying when Ancestors are called.


Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Mythology Unit

Age Of Mythology Retold is a great RTS game with the big difference that players can use mythological creatures to fight. But which is best?

This god's power is very useful. By having Ancestors support the player's army, they can instantly change the situation of the battle, inflicting more damage during an attack on an enemy base, or allowing them solid defense against attacks. Ancestors are powerful tools that can be used on many occasions, and getting attacked by an enemy is always an amazing moment.

6 curse

huge unit loss

The Age of Myth Retells the Curse of Aphrodite

  • Available to Greek players
  • Aphrodite's divine power

A devastating surprise attack or defensive maneuver against enemy attacks is the power of the Curse God. Another one of the Greek pantheon, Curse instantly turns several enemy units of almost any type into pigs, greatly reducing enemy forces in any situation and providing the player with additional food.

The extent to which players can utilize this power is evident in how it can destroy enemy forces during combat. Even if the player is initially overpowered by the opposing forces, this is almost a guaranteed victory. And if the player uses the curse while attacking the base, the enemies will not have time to recover and train more defenders.

5 restoration

Switches every battle instantly.

Restoration of Ares from the Mythical Age - 1

  • Available to Greek players
  • Ares' divine power

The Greek Gods of Power is probably the best list of all the pantheons. Players can use Restoration to turn the tide of battle, which is especially valuable since Greek players have few options when it comes to healing units, putting them at a disadvantage compared to other pantheons in this regard.

Restoration quickly heals all friendly units within a certain range for a few seconds. This can heal an entire army by the full value of most units' health bars in a matter of seconds. This can be used to rejuvenate tired troops for the next battle, or to crush the enemy's hopes of victory at critical moments during battle. No matter what purpose it is used for, Restoration is undoubtedly one of the most powerful divine abilities available to man. Retelling the Age of Myth.

4 prosperity

An unnaturally powerful opening

The Age of Myth told the story of the prosperity of Isis.

  • Available to Egyptian players
  • The Divine Power of Isis

There are some early god powers that get better the longer players wait to use them. Prosperity, the divine power of the major Egyptian god Isis, significantly increases your gold income for 1 minute. This may not seem ridiculously powerful, but if players wait to use it later in the game when they already have a lot of gold production and plenty of villagers and upgrades, they will see the huge difference prosperity can make.


Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Naval Units

Age Of Mythology Retold has a lot of great units, but controlling the water can be important and having the right naval units is necessary.

Gold is a powerful resource. Retelling the Age of MythAnd the later the game gets, the more value the player gets. Players can use Prosperity early in the game for a quick boost, but gold is not as important early on and players will best utilize this power later in the game when they are trying to build large armies or gain power. Money needed for important things like Wonder.

3 hell

Wolf's Destructive Fire

The Age of Myth retold the Vidar Inferno.

  • Available for Norwegian players
  • Vidar's God Power

The Norse pantheon does not have the power of a supreme god. Retelling the Age of MythBut there are a few golden ones. Inferno is actually a new feature in the remake, available in a DLC pack that introduces Freyr as the primary god and introduces new secondary gods like Vidar. Your choice of a minor god from this mythic age gives you Inferno, a destructive force.

Summoning the mighty wolf Fenrir into the midst of a fiery battlefield sounds cool enough on its own. However, Inferno confirms this summoned charge through the scene, causing massive damage to enemy units and buildings, and explodes when the charge is over, causing even more damage. This can annihilate enemy defenders and buildings, or lead a charge for an attack with little to do other than mop up.

2 burning weapon

Turn soldiers into siege weapons

Age Of Mythology brought back the Bragi flaming weapons.

  • Available for Norwegian players
  • Bragi's Godly Power

Human soldiers make up a large portion of any military, but Retelling the Age of MythThey usually have problems finishing their buildings. This slow gives enemies enough armor to block attacks. This emphasizes the importance of slow-moving siege weapons for taking down buildings in general.

However, Flaming Weapons increases the damage done by all friendly human soldiers and ships by 75% for almost 1 minute. This devastating upgrade gives players the perfect opportunity to dispatch armies, sweep through enemy defenses, and destroy most bases without the need for a massive and diverse army that includes more expensive mythic units and siege weapons. Flaming Weapons can cheaply destroy entire bases by knocking enemies down in Heroic Age before they reach the late game they planned to be.

1 meteor

Ultimate destruction of all bases

The Age of Myth Retells the Meteor of Thoth

  • Available to Egyptian players
  • Thoth's power

Players will never see anything more devastating than the Meteor God Power. Retelling the Age of Myth. Other natural disaster gods exist, but none of them compare to Meteor's cruelty. Meteor attacks multiple times in quick succession, throwing enemy units into the area and dealing massive damage to buildings, rarely staying in target range.

Meteor is underwhelming and always has been. When the force is activated, 10 meteor impacts occur, each dealing 750 impact damage. This means that even in the center of town, you won't be able to stand if you are close to the target area. Using this power can easily destroy the player's main base into nothing, leaving them vulnerable to the player's armies swarming in to scavenge.



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Age of Empires is one of the longest-running franchises in gaming history and a cornerstone of the RTS genre. What is the best title in the series?

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