The promising Logia Devil Fruit user, a smoker, has lost power since TIMESKIP due to the introduction of Armament Haki.
The crocodile, which was defeated early by the pre -time skipfufi without gear or hockey, looks quite weak.
Basil hawkins and x drakes both wielded unique power and did not meet fans' expectations in battle.
A wonderful world one piece It can be extremely misleading. Sometimes, Eiichiro ODA, the producer of the series, introduces a character that looks weak due to design, personality and/or power set, but in turn ignores expectations and is quite strong instead. But the opposite opposition also occurred.

One piece: 7 villains with the most tragic past
Despite their terrible behavior, they can't deny that these villains have suffered.
one piece In addition, it seemed powerful, but because of its lack of power and defeating, it showed a fair share of the prominent characters who created disappointing fans. Naturally, this happened in a number of time throughout the life of the series, but the next character is the most serious example of this practice.
The first logia devil fruit users in the series have left a lot of what they want.
- First: 97 (cartoon) Episode 48 (Animation)
When it first appeared in log crab town arc smoker Not only did he be terrified by his design and existence, but he was the first user of the Logia Devil Fruit he introduced in the series, so it seemed almost untouched. Thanks to the ability to make and manipulate acting, he has become an efficient fighter to reach people like Monkey D. Dragon or Portgas D. ACE.
For a long time, smokers seemed to be one of Luffy's most powerful rivals, but unfortunately he lost much power after he skipped time. . He was still very powerful, but he lost his fight after fighting by receiving a big bitdown from characters such as Trafalgar Law, Caesar Clown and Donquixote Doflamingo. Most fans are hoping that smokers can catch a big power up in the near future because smokers can catch the current power level of the series.
Sir crocodile
I lost my way to skip the pre -time without a gear and no hockey.
- First: 126 (cartoon) Episode 76 (Animation)
actually, Sir crocodile His tactical mind and ruthless combat style, along with his sand -based power of his Suna Suna No Mi, was very powerful in his introductory arc because he made him a powerful opponent of Luffy. But the only problem is that at the end of Arabita, his loss of crushing in the protagonist's hands became much more pathetic from retrospective.
Despite being one of the leaders of Baroque Works and one of the Sea of the Sea General, Sir CroCodile was defeated at the beginning of the series and lost the Luffy version. He still could not use haki or his gear. As a result, he looks surprisingly weak compared to all other prominent villains introduced.
Arc's main antagonism was made of only one punch.
- First: 222 (cartoon) episode 146 (animation)
Hyena Bellami It is one of the most infamous characters of everything. one piece. He was introduced at the beginning of Jaya ARC as violent, rude and ruthless pirates that ignored Luffy's dreams. It was immediately clear that he should be the main antagonist of Arc, and the situation quickly became intense between his crew and a straw hat pirate.

One piece: 7 The most versatile devil fruit, ranking
Among all the devil fruits that can be seen in one piece, these are the most versatile because of their personality or the essence of the user.
But surprisingly, there was no slow construction or expanded conflict between the two crew members. Luffy later met with Bellamy and recovered the stolen gold in Mont Blanc Noland, and the wicked pirates wielded the power of Bane Bane No Mi, but Lufy only needed only one punch to defeat him. Bellami eventually became much stronger after time took time, but the same thing happened during the re -confrontation in Dreshrosa Arc as Luffy once again knocked out him with a punch.
Basil Hawkins
He did not do much despite the unique devil fruit.
- First: Chapter 498 (Manga) Episode 392 (Animation)
Among all members of the worst generation Basil Hawkins It is one of the most interesting people because of his ominous beings, the tendency to predict destiny, the dock power and the devil's fruit, and the unique combination of Wara Wara No MI. His straw doll. Because of all these qualities, Hawkins was likely to be a dangerous threat to Luffy and other members of the worst generation.
Nevertheless, he did not do much in subsequent story arc, especially Wano Country Arc, where he was re -introduced as a new member of Beasts Pirates. He fought with Roronoa Zoro, Trafalgar law, and killer, and had a lot of difficulties in mischievous power, but lost all the encounters. At the end of the arc, he means that he will never appear again in the story.
x drake
Heroic ancient zoan devil fruit users who do not win much victory
- First: Chapter 498 (Manga) Episode 392 (Animation)
x drake Sabaody Archipelago This is another worst pirate that immediately paid attention to fans when it first appeared in the arc. He wielded the Lipier and Ax at the same time, so he could not only come out very strongly, but also turn himself into an allosaurus.
Best of all, X -Drake later found that the X -Drake was actually a member of the SWORD who penetrated Beasts Pirates and put them down. I can't deny that all of these qualities have become quite interesting with the potential to be powerful, but sadly, X Drake could never meet these great expectations. He continued to defeat throughout the arc compared to the mountain and CP0, except for the meaningless victory over one of the numbers. When the attack of Onigashima was close, he healed the wound in the hospital bed.
Hodi Jones
After the first, the skip main antagonist was very easy to defeat.
- First: Chapter 608 (Manga) Episode 527 (Animation)
Fish-Man Island ARC is set immediately after skipping legendary two years. Hodi JonesImmediately after long and strict training, I had to face straw hat pirates. This seemed to be as powerful as other major antagonists in the series.

One piece: 10 ambiguous species
Many vague races of one piece have not yet been elaborated. Some people can play a bigger role in the future, but others will remain a mystery.
His role in the story should represent the rampant discrimination faced by fish and Merpok, but Hodi Jones must be an amazingly weak villain lost to Zoro in an early underwater fight. Energy steroids show a chance for Monkey D. Luffy. Nevertheless, none of them were not enough to prevent the captain of the straw hat pirates, and he easily defeated him without having to use the gear.
“Colosseum's Hero” did not have many fighters.
- First: 700 (cartoon) episode 629 (animation)
The Donquixote family has a number of three minutes, one of which specializes in fighting with Diamante Army, and is led by Sijo. DiamanteIt is also known as the “hero” of Corrida Colosseum. He was slowly built as one of the main antagonists to fight in a wide range of straw hat pirates.
But Diamante did not actually achieve impressive achievements throughout the remaining arcs that could justify all that build up. His devil fruit, Hira Hira No Mi is not powerful or impressive. He could not prevent Sabo from eating Mera Mera NO MI and was eventually defeated by a gladiator Kyros with a leg without Haki or Devil Fruit Powers. Many fans can't wonder why DOFLAMINGO assigns Diamante to a crew combatant.
His early appearance in ZOU ARC made him look much more dangerous than he actually did.
- First: Chapter 801 (Manga) Episode 746 (Animation)
First shape Drought It was a very important moment in this story because straw hat pirates and allies finally faced pirates belonging to one of four emperors. Jack he first responded to his reputation. He did not hesitate to exterminate one of the chemical weapons of the Jasar Clown, so he tortured his two rulers, Inu Arashi and four -coma, for several days. And if not enough, his devil's fruit could also turn into a huge huge huge means that could easily destroy huge structures.
Nevertheless, Jack did not do much since his introductory arc and was later pale compared to other all -stars in Beasts Pirates. First, he was defeated in a humiliating manner by Zunesha. In addition, he did not do much during the attack on Onigashima. There was a pirate like the queen and the king. For characters depicted by the power of dangerous destruction, Jack was eventually overwhelming as a fighter and a villain.

one piece
- Release date
October 20, 1999
- network
Fuji TV