Tallest Playable Characters in Genshin Impact

There are many stats players have to get accustomed to in Genshin Impact. Some of them are familiar, like the attack and critical stats, while others are quite exclusive to the game, like Elemental Mastery. However, there are also some hidden values. While they may seem neglectable, being aware of these stats can be a great help in Travelers’ playthrough.



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One of the hidden aspects of Genshin Impact is height. It has been proven that tall characters are a better option for exploration than short characters. They can swim greater distances and climb faster. Furthermore, sometimes, an Oculus may require a bit of height to be collected. For players who wish to maximize their exploration experience, here are the tallest characters they can use.

Updated on November 1, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: With the release of Natlan, the Land of Pyro, many characters have been released in Genshin Impact. While some are a small and cute size, like Kachina, some are considered tall, like Xilonen, which became a playable character as of version 5.1. Although all characters in this list are considered tall, some are obviously taller than the others. A great advantage for tall players is that they swim greater distances and climb mountains faster than short characters. Therefore, they are the best option for exploration.

24 Ningguang

The Lady Of The Jade Chamber

Ningguang is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, so she holds a large influence in the region. She is widely disliked by those with great powers because of her ruthless and calculating ways. However, it’s evident that the Tianquan has Liyue’s best interest at heart and cares about its inhabitants. For example, when Osial was attacking, she put her problems with the Adepti aside and sacrificed the Jade Chamber, her life’s work, to protect Liyue Harbor.

Previously, the Liyue Qixing looked up to Rex Lapis to make their yearly decisions. But now that the deity is gone, the mortals will handle all of the region’s affairs.

23 Rosaria

A Sister With A Dark Past

Rosaria is a Sister in Mondstadt’s Church of Favonius. Despite being a Sister, she dislikes any Church-related activities and is always either skipping them or being the first one to leave. Rosaria is seen as a cold person and is very skilled with knives and killing. This skill was developed before coming to Mondstadt as she used to live with a group of bandits that taught her everything.


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After a while, Grand Master Varka defeated the bandits and offered her a chance to redeem herself. Rosaria accepted and was welcomed in the Church of Favonius. She felt indebted to the City because of its goodwill and decided to protect Mondstadt from the shadows.

22 Dehya

A Fierce Desert Mercenary

Dehya hails the sand and considers it her home, as she’s willing to do anything to protect it. Her passionate and unyielding methods were always the topic of gossip among the Eremites, to the point she was referred to as “Flame-Mane” Dehya.

Dehya will do anything to protect her people; she cares much for her friends, but the Unfettered Desert Mercenary is too shy to show it. This can be seen when she sold her Claymore in Genshin Impact and donated the money to the Sabzeruz Festival without telling anyone to make Dunyazard happy.

21 Eula

The Black Sheep Of The Lawrence Clan

Eula Lawrence is the captain of the Reconnaissance Company in the Knights of Favonius. This means that she and her team spend most of their time outside, scouting the area and eliminating any danger.

The Spindrift Knight is a noble because she’s a descendant of the Lawrence Clan. However, she is one of the few who acknowledges her ancestors’ wrongdoings. As a result, she cuts ties with her own family and even swears that if they harm Mondstadt in any way, she will not hesitate to eliminate them.

20 Jean

The Dandelion Knight

Jean Gunnhildr is the Dandelion Knight of the Knights of Favonius. Before Varka embarks on an expedition, he also bestows the title of Acting Grand Master to her. Honestly, it’s the perfect role because Jean puts the needs of Mondstadt’s Citizens before her own. No matter how simple and small the problem is, she is willing to help anyone. Jean considers Vennessa, the first Dandelion Knight, a great role model and works tirelessly to carry on her legacy.

When she is tired or having a bad day, she heads to the Great Tree in Windrise. Another way to de-stress herself is to visit her younger sister, Barbara, a deaconess of the Church of Favonius.

19 Yelan

A ‘Normal’ Worker At The Ministry Of Civil Affairs

It appears that Jean, Eula, and Yelan all possess roughly the same height in Genshin Impact. This persona is very mysterious and reversed as she lives a life full of secrets thanks to the nature of her job. Yelan is considered intelligent and a great tactician by her peers as her usual plans depend on psychological tricks and shrewdness to complete the mission successfully.

Yelan enjoys long naps since she gets tired easily and prefers to save energy for more pressing matters. She prefers spicy food to the point where Xiangling’s spiciest dish doesn’t affect her in the slightest. Additionally, Yelan is not a fan of sweets like candy as she considers them distracting and addictive.

18 Lisa

The Knight Of Favonius Librarian

Lisa Minci is a powerful Witch and was considered to be Sumeru Academia’s best student in 200 years. She returned to Mondstadt after two years of advanced studies in Sumeru. At the moment, the Witch is tasked with taking care of the vast collection of books in the Knights of Favonius library. Her favorite hobbies are taking naps or reading books from the restricted section.

The Librarian has a close relationship with Jean, and they often eat together at the Good Hunter. Although Lisa likes to tease the Traveler with flirtatious or witty comments, she considers them very special to her.

17 Raiden Shogun

The Electro Archon

While Raiden Shogun may seem like a tall person, her height barely places her among the female Genshin Impact characters. She’s shorter than her Tengu warrior, Kujou Sara, who by far is the tallest female in the game.

The Electro Archon is the most respected figure in Inazuma. Previously, she spent her time in the Plane of Euthymia while her puppet ran the region for her. But now, Raiden Ei actively leads Inazuma using the Raiden Shogun puppet as her vessel.

16 Shenhe

The Disciple Of Cloud Retainer

Shenhe was released in Genshin Impact 2.4. She’s a disciple of Cloud Retainer, an Adeptus who lives in Mt. Aocang. The crane adopted little Shenhe when she found the girl fighting against an evil god.

After living for so long in the mountains, Shenhe has little understanding of human customs. The red ropes bound around her body also further suppress her emotions, making her seem like a cold person. Despite all that, though, she has been trying to properly live among humans. Recently, Shenhe also found out that she has a nephew, Chongyun.

15 Kujou Sara

The Shogun’s Tengu

Kujou Sara is currently the tallest female character in Genshin Impact. The General of the Tenryou Commission is a formidable warrior, which is no surprise as she bore the blood of Tengu. This Inazuma youkai is known for its unbeatable speed and prowess in both sword and bow fighting.

Sara’s talent can be clearly seen from the fact that she beats both Kazuha’s friend and Arataki Itto in a duel. This leads to Itto constantly harassing the Bulletin Boards, asking for a rematch against the Tengu. The sneaky Kitsune, Yae Miko, even found this amusing as she’s the one responsible for the existence of those messages.

The Current President Of The Spina di Rosula

The great boss of the Spina di Rosula and a famous helper in Fontaine. Navia made it her mission after becoming president following her father’s death, to help as many people as possible in Fontaine and try to use her shrewdness to investigate some cases to try to shine a light on missing clues.

She had a difficult childhood but is extremely optimistic and is thankful to the people around her, like her trusted allies Melus and Silver. Navia played a great part in solving the “young women disappearance case” Quest in Genshin Impact, which helped her achieve closure over her father’s death.

13 Xilonen

The Children of Echoes’ Name Engraver

Xilonen is a hard-working blacksmith of the Nanatzcayan who still finds time to relax and take a nap somewhere sunny. Although being able to forge Ancient Names is a highly accomplished achievement in Natlan, she prefers the creation of commonly used complicated tools as Xilonen likes the technical side of things.

The Name Engraver possesses the “Baraka” Ancient Name, which is an Arabic word that stands for blessing. Although she may come off as lazy and unproductive, Xilonen puts a lot of hours into researching ancient texts and reading books, as she understands the importance of her job.

12 Diluc

Former Cavalry Captain

Diluc Ragnvindr used to be the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. Shortly after his father’s death, he lost his faith in the Knights and left the organization. He claims that they don’t do their job properly. Therefore, Diluc decides to take matters into his own hands and protect Mondstadt in his own way. Thus, to his dismay, he became the “Darknight Hero.”


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He inherited the Dawn Winery from his late father and later used it as a wide network of information. Ironically, Diluc doesn’t like the taste of wine and prefers grape juice.

11 Baizhu

Liyue Harbor’s Pharmacist

Baizhu is first encountered as a doctor and owner of Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor. He is also introduced as Qiqi’s guardian, and constantly thanks players for caring for her. He was an NPC in version 1.1 but became a playable character as of version 3.6.

It was later revealed that he had a contract with the white snake, Changsheng, and could heal people by giving up some of his life force. Refusing the contract will make Changsheng enter a deep slumber, so Baizhu decides to achieve immortality to save the upcoming generations and the white snake from this contract.

10 Kaeya

Diluc’s Adoptive Brother


His full name is Kaeya Alberich and he is the adoptive brother of Diluc. He originally came from Khaenri’ah but as of now, he resides in Mondstadt. Kaeya currently serves as the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius and is the most trusted aide for Jean, the Acting Grand Master.

It is no secret that Kaeya likes to put people (enemies and comrades) in a tough situation to see how they would react. This makes him seem unapproachable. However, his charisma and loyalty earned him the respect and support of many in Mondstadt.

9 Arlecchino

The “Father” Of The House Of The Hearth

As the current Director of the House of the Hearth, Arlecchino needs to possess certain qualities that will help her manage all her “children.” She is called “Father” by all of them as she detests the previous Director’s method, which she used to call “Mother”. In addition to that important position, she is also the 4th Harbinger working under the Tsaritsa’s orders.

Arlecchino was greatly opposed to Mother’s method of teaching, so she created more patient and lenient methods with her children. She is extremely protective over all the orphans and has a soft spot for them, and will personally deal with anyone who hurts them.

8 Thoma

The Kamisato Estate Housekeeper

He originally went to Inazuma to bring his father Dandelion Wine. Sadly, he had an accident and got washed up with no Mora or connections. Eventually, he gained Kamisato’s trust and started working for them. Although he has a cheerful and easy-going personality, if someone messes with one of the Kamisato siblings, he shows no mercy.

Thoma is the Yashiro Commission’s Housekeeper and is considered the “Fixer” around Inazuma. As a result, people around him often seek his help due to his logical and peaceful solutions.

7 Tartaglia/Childe

The 11th Fatui Harbinger

Tartaglia is the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers and the most dangerous one out of all of them. He hails from a snowy region called Snezhnaya, where people worship the Cryo Archon, the Tsaritsa. Childe sees himself as her weapon in war and holds the Archon in high esteem.

He has a lust for battles and enjoys fighting strong opponents. Tartaglia is considered weird among his fellow Harbingers as most of them like to work in the shadows while he prefers being front and center. While he may appear as a stern character, he cares a lot about his family and often dotes on his three younger siblings, especially Teucer.

6 Kamisato Ayato

The Head Of The Kamisato Clan

Kamisato Ayato is the Yashiro Commissioner and the Head of the Kamisato Clan in Genshin Impact. Ayato appears to be calm and collected as he is used to handling problems and corruption within the estate from an early age.

However, behind his gentle expression and calm smile, he hides a cunning and mischievous side that plans every move carefully until the enemy falls into a trap. A weird hobby that entertains Ayato is sending Thoma weird food combinations and laughing at the Housekeeper’s misery.

5 Alhaitham

The Acting Grand Sage

Alhaitham is considered intimidating by many of his peers in Genshin Impact. Funny enough, the Acting Grand Sage views everyone equally and tries not to dwell deep in anyone’s knowledge and behaviors. One of his main goals is to live a comfortable life, worry-free where he can focus on expanding his philosophy and learning new pieces of information.

Alhaitham’s rationality and comfortable lifestyle can sometimes cause him to constantly fight with his roommate, Kaveh, since both characters don’t meet eye-to-eye on particular topics.

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