Thanks to fans, Liberty City from GTA 4 is now playable in GTA 5


  • According to dataminers, GTA 5 was once scheduled to feature DLC that would allow players to return to Liberty City.

  • That never happened, but a team of modders basically took on the task themselves.

  • The Liberty City Preservation Project does as described and allows players to revisit GTA 4's map in GTA 5.

A frankly amazing mod for Grand Theft Auto 5 ports and remasters Grand Theft Auto4's Liberty City, giving players the chance to revisit all the places Niko destroyed. And yes, this includes defective swing sets.

Rockstar Games has supported GTA 5 for over a decade with constant updates to GTA Online, but unfortunately has never added any content aimed at solo players. But that wasn't always the case. That's because several expansion packs were originally planned, including a particularly interesting expansion that would allow players to return to Liberty City.


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As we all know, sadly that never came to pass and GTA 5 players have been stuck in Los Santos for the past decade with no hope of ever seeing a remastered Liberty City. Well, that's no longer the case thanks to an ambitious mod called Liberty City Preservation Project that was just released.

GTA 5 mods allow you to return to Liberty City in GTA 4

Earlier this week, World Travel officially launched the Liberty City Preservation Project, a mod for Grand Theft Auto 5 that takes the beloved city from Grand Theft Auto 4 and essentially remasters it. This mod works with GTA 5's single player mode and FiveM and includes the entire map and all vehicles, pedestrians, interiors, radio stations and almost everything from Niko Bellic's game.

Fortunately, this includes Firefly Projects Park's infamously defective swing set that sends cars and people flying when interacted with. Be careful though, as it does much more damage to cars in GTA 5.

World Travel, the Liberty City Preservation Project team, told RockstarINTEL that the project began in 2018. Lead modder Nkjellman was inspired by the way Red Dead Redemption 2 allowed you to revisit Blackwater and New Austin. From the first game.

The interview also details some of the ways the mod improves Liberty City and how it's not just a port of the map into GTA 5's engine. Modder Barbu noted that the team wanted to make the world more “dynamic” and added 4,500 different scenarios across the map, such as a mechanic fixing a car or a pedestrian getting a parking ticket.

This ambitious mod is available for PC players to download from the World Travel Discord, but there's no telling how long it will last. Rockstar has halted projects like this before, and with rumors of a GTA 4 remaster always swirling, there's no telling how they'll react to a team of modders basically doing just that.


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