Key Takeaways
- Frieza is an iconic Dragon Ball villain known for his memorable lines and ruthless actions.
- His presence adds excitement and complexity to key moments like the Tournament of Power.
- Frieza’s disdain towards Saiyans and cold-hearted nature make him a formidable and hated antagonist.
Dragon Ball is full to the brim with everything from amazing battles to memorable characters that fans still remember fondly to this day. The series took a lengthy hiatus before coming back with two big-budget movies and a new anime to boot. The popularity of Dragon Ball is something many people are well aware of, and a huge reason why the show is so beloved is because of its rich cast of memorable villains.

Dragon Ball: The 20 Most Powerful Saiyans, Ranked According To Strength
Saiyans are some of Dragon Ball’s strongest characters. Like Goku and Vegeta, these are the most powerful Saiyans of them all.
No other character personifies this statement better than Frieza, a galactic tyrant who annexes planets and destroys livelihoods all for the sake of his amusement. He has uttered many iconic lines throughout the series that fans still remember fondly to this day.
Updated on October 23, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Frieza is one of the most diabolical villains in Dragon Ball history. The sheer evil exhibited by this tyrant as he subjugated races and forced them to bend their knee makes him an easy villain to hate, with Goku achieving the Super Saiyan transformation after he heartlessly killed Krillin. His presence is so iconic that he was brought back for Dragon Ball Super, achieving new forms by training for the first time to become a force to be reckoned with. It helps that his powerful voice performances mean that fans will fondly remember some of the best Frieza quotes from Dragon Ball that never get tiring to witness.
14 “I Need You To Throw Me, Saiyan!”
Dragon Ball Super, Episode 131: A Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell Goku! Until We Meet Again!
- The first instance of Frieza not referring to Goku as a monkey
The Tournament of Power is one of the best moments in Dragon Ball Super, with the improved animation and fun conflicts ensuring that people will have a great time watching their favorite fighters teaming up to beat down the toughest combatants from other universes. Frieza’s wild card entry makes him a fun character to watch, especially when he teams up with Goku and Android 17 to take out Jiren.
Hearing Frieza’s quote address Goku as a Saiyan instead of the usual name-calling he subjects his nemesis to makes for a great time. It’s the cherry on top of a glorious final battle where Universe 7 shows Jiren the power of teamwork and takes him out to secure victory.
13 “Exemplary Marksmanship, Sorbet.”
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
- Congratulating his henchman after one of the most controversial moments in Dragon Ball history
Resurrection ‘F’ is a great movie that brings back everyone’s favorite villain in his full glory. Frieza’s transformation is a joy to behold, and it’s a shame that he was in over his head with this transformation and didn’t bother to attune his body to it before taking on the Saiyans in battle.
However, he had an ace up his sleeve that took Goku by surprise and irritated fans to no end. Watching the Universe’s strongest warrior succumb to a simple ray gun simply because he let his guard down didn’t sit right with fans. To add salt to this wound, Frieza’s quote commends his subordinate in a haughty moment that shows what happens when anyone underestimates this tyrant.
12 “You Don’t Get To Have Everything Go Your Way Forever, Beerus.”
Episode 95: Most Heinous! Most Evil! Frieza’s Rampage!
- Talking down to Beerus after colluding with Universe 9
After Majin Buu ends up going catatonic right before the Tournament of Power, Goku wracks his brain to figure out a viable replacement. An unlikely ally in the form of Frieza joins soon after, but not before he kills Universe 9’s assassins and colludes with the God of Destruction to form an unsteady partnership.

5 Saddest Quotes In Dragon Ball
For all its action and excitement, Dragon Ball is full of heart, and these emotional quotes show it.
He hides this fact from Beerus, who arrives to see why Goku is taking so much time. In his mind, the villain can’t help but berate this destroyer god, talking down to him in a manner that is unheard of and showing his disdain with an illuminating Frieza quote.
11 “Observe. My Left Hand… Its Strength Alone Is Enough To Crush You […] Today, I Will Fight You While My Other Hand Is Behind My Back.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 71: Goku Is Ginyu And Ginyu Is Goku
- Insulting a frustrated Nail during a one-sided battle that completely humiliates the Namekian.
Nail is a valiant warrior and one of the strongest Namekians in Dragon Ball, but even this fearsome warrior was no match for Frieza’s base form. He was beaten down and humiliated by the tyrant, but this was in line with his plans to distract Frieza and prevent him from achieving his wish with the Dragon Balls.
During his battle with Nail, Frieza goes so far with his insults that he decides to school Nail with just one arm. It’s an arrogant display of Frieza that shows what Frieza is all about.
10 “Vegeta, It Pains Me To See You Going Through This. What A Waste. I Favored You So Much. Why Couldn’t You Just Continue To Obey Me?”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 78: Fighting Power: One Million?
- Taunting Vegeta before revealing how cruelly he obliterated the Saiyans’ home planet.
The rivalry between Vegeta and Frieza is the stuff of legends. The Prince of all Saiyans hates this villain for laying waste to his home planet. The fact that they even managed to team up in Dragon Ball Super, despite their history, is a testament to the high stakes during this tournament.
Frieza’s taunts towards the disgraced Saiyan during their battle on Namek never stop, and it’s especially heartbreaking to hear him talk about the ruthlessness of how he destroyed Planet Vegeta. This angers Vegeta to no end, especially when Frieza questions why he didn’t remain subservient to a person who was miles ahead of him in terms of power.
9 “You’re Blind And Delusional. You Keep Going On About Being A Super Saiyan, But It’s Just A Myth, Vegeta.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 85: The Renewed Goku
- Frieza’s denial about the Super Saiyan myth comes out during his battle of words (and fists) against Vegeta.
There’s no denying that Frieza was scared of the Saiyans. This warrior race had proven time and again just how powerful their latent potential was. So, before a warrior could be birthed that could rival him in power, he decided to obliterate the entire planet.

Dragon Ball Z: All The Filler Episodes In The Anime
Like most long anime series, Dragon Ball Z also comes with its fair share of filler episodes between story arcs.
While Vegeta wished to reach this new level of power against Frieza, it wasn’t meant to be. He was pummelled into the dirt by Frieza, whose belief that the Super Saiyan legend is nothing more than a falsehood was almost confirmed until Goku came and shattered his world.
8 “I Doubt I Need An Introduction, But Just In Case, I Am The Mighty Frieza… And Yes, All The Horrible Stories You’ve Heard Are True.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 47: Namek’s Defense
- A chilling threat to the Namekians who were protecting the Dragon Balls from him.
Frieza is one of the scariest people in the galaxy, His power is supreme in every way, and it’s clear why the Z Warriors were so intimidated by the prospect of fighting him.
From the moment he decides to fight against the people standing against him and immortality, Frieza makes it clear that their death would be imminent. Even his introduction to the group is chilling, showing just how arrogant and powerful he is.
7 “There Are Three Things I Cannot Tolerate: Cowardice, Bad Haircuts, And Military Insurrection. It Is Very Unfortunate That Our Friend Vegeta Possesses All Three Of These.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 46: Defying Orders
- Lambasting the Saiyan who’s rebelling against him
Vegeta and Frieza have a feud that has been going on since time eternal. The Prince of all Saiyans hated this tyrant for how he treated him, and it didn’t help that his entire planet and livelihood were destroyed by this antagonist as well.
Frieza himself wasn’t too fond of Vegeta and went out of his way to reveal just how much he hated the Saiyan. How he taunts Vegeta time and time again is truly savage and goes to show just how cold-hearted he is.
6 “Before You Begin Your Pathetic Struggle To Survive, I Should Warn You. Your Chance Of Winning Is Nonexistent.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 71: Goku Is Ginyu And Ginyu Is Goku
- A chilling threat to Nail before proceeding to unleash a beatdown for the ages.
Frieza was extremely arrogant about his powers, knowing that no one in the universe could stand up against him. So, when the Z Warriors tried to fight this monster, Frieza gave them a chilling warning beforehand.

Dragon Ball: Every Frieza Transformation
Every Frieza transformation is unique in its own ways, with the best Frieza forms having caused the Z-Fighters plenty of problems over the years.
Even before revealing his forms, Frieza showed that the others had no chance of defeating him. This statement was correct, and the world would’ve been in jeopardy had Goku not unlocked his Super Saiyan form.
5 “Miserable Saiyan Monkey!”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 54: Guru’s Gift
- An errant thought about Vegeta made Frieza’s feelings toward the Saiyan race clear as day.
One legendary taunt that Frieza loves to utter time and time again is ‘monkey’. This particular insult is directed towards Vegeta but is also used to refer to Goku as well, with the intensity of this word increasing as Frieza fought this Saiyan in their legendary clash.
Even in Super, he doesn’t shy away from unleashing this taunt at times. This diabolical tyrant can be pretty savage, yet fans can’t help but laugh whenever he hurls this insult at everyone’s favorite Saiyan.
4 “It’s Been So Long Since I Felt Pain. It’s Such A Strange Sensation.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 88: Clash Of The Super Powers
- After Goku lands a hit on Frieza during their battle.
Frieza is a fighter who had no equal for the many years he was roaming and terrorizing the galaxy. So, when Goku finally came and proved to be a match for this emperor, Frieza finally got a taste of his own medicine.
After feeling the alien sensation of pain, Frieza’s chilling remark made it clear just how tough he was. It’s easy to see why Goku had to push past his limits to defeat this tyrant once and for all.
3 “Don’t Worry. It Won’t Hurt Too Bad. Really. Death Is My Specialty.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 76: Piccolo’s Return
- Addressing the group that has been a thorn in his side for quite some time.
Frieza may be a heinous individual in every way, but fans can’t help loving his character whenever he cranks his coolness to the max. Some of his lines are so dreadful that viewers can’t help but marvel at just how evil this tyrant is.

Dragon Ball: The 10 Strongest Members of The Frieza Force, Ranked According To Strength
The Frieza Force featured many powerful enemies for the heroes of Earth to stand up against in Dragon Ball Z but some stand out above the rest.
This particular line shows just how cold and calculating Frieza is. Not only does he kill his opponents, but he downright humiliates them before landing the decisive blow.
2 “I’ve Never Met A Sentimental Saiyan Before. It’ll Be Your Downfall.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 87: The Ultimate Battle
- After Goku rises from the lava that Frieza knocked him into.
The idea of a Saiyan showing mercy is alien to Frieza, who only thought of this race to be full of mindless and power-hungry warriors who always killed off their opponents. So, when he sees Goku showing mercy to Vegeta as he gives him a proper burial, it’s easy to see why he is so perplexed.
He comments on how Saiyans and sentimentality are two completely different concepts, before saying that this soft heart would be the root cause of Goku’s downfall. If only he knew just how wrong this statement was.
1 “Something Is Strange About This Warrior. How Does A Saiyan Have Such Incredible Power? They Are, After All, Inferior Creatures.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 92: Trump Card
- Getting frustrated during his battle against the Super Saiyan.
The entire reason why Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta was that he was threatened by how powerful this warrior race was becoming. He decided to nip their threat in the bud by annihilating the entire planet before things could get worse.
It seems that Frieza forgot about their threat, marveling at Goku’s strength and how he could stand toe-to-toe with someone as great as him. Ultimately, it was this act of underestimating his foe that cost him his life.
Dragon Ball Z (1989)
- Release Date
- April 26, 1989
- Creator
- Akira Toriyama
- Studio
- Toei Animation
Dragon Ball Super
- Release Date
- July 5, 2015
- Creator
- Akira Toriyama
- Studio
- Toei Animation