The best open world game where you can rise to power

Everyone loves an underdog. It's inspiring to play a game that sees the underdog navigate the toughest challenges to come out on top. With enough determination and persistence, players may even be able to rise above their station in life like the movie's protagonist. open world Game below.


Top 10 Video Game Underdogs (Ranked)

Who doesn’t love a good underdog? These iconic gaming characters prove that the best heroes aren't always the ones you expect.

Considering that the game primarily focuses on violence, people should not take these characters' actions as literal inspiration. But you can still get a lot out of the story. Underdog stories are also a great fit for games, as player growth in an open world is often closely tied to a character's rise in rank.


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Find out who betrayed you and become the kingpin


October 29, 2002

grand theft auto 3 It's a revenge story. san andreas It's about family and loyalty Vice City It's purely about gaining power. The game begins with protagonist Tommy Vercetti investigating who disrupted the drug deal that opens the plot.

But once the mystery is solved, he decides to go into business on his own and take over Vice City. Players use the mansion as their home base and slowly purchase various properties from there. After acquiring a certain number of businesses, a branch of exit missions is triggered.

Sonny, the gangster who sent Tommy to Vice City in the first place, appears and tries to take away some of the empire players have built up. Tommy kills Sonny and the credits roll, solidifying the protagonist's growth from small muscle to Vice City kingpin.

Tommy Vercetti is played by Ray Liotta, famous for his role as the legendary Henry Hill. good friends.


Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

“A king is not satisfied until he rules everything” – Bruce Springsteen


PlayStation-1 Xbox-1


October 25, 2022

that mount and blade The game is about starting small and becoming the most powerful ruler in a fictional medieval setting. The player is essentially nothing, slowly recruiting soldiers and taking over settlements before eventually ruling it all and retiring to the mountains.

Unlike many of the games on this list, the underdog story isn't told directly through the narrative. The entire structure is gameplay-centric. In fact, this game doesn't even have a set ending. This continues until the player decides to quit and play another game.


Scarface: The world is yours

Rebuild Tony Montana's Empire


July 25, 2006


radical entertainment


Vivendi Universal

These days, people have more faith in video game adaptations of movies. In 2006, few people believed this. Scarface Video games are anything worth writing home about. Developers proved them wrong with a video game that took many of its cues. grand theft auto.


8 Best Open World Games with Little Exploration

These games can be completed without the player having to deviate from the main path too often.

Instead of covering the events of the movie, the game opts for a what-if scenario where Tony Montana survives a raid on his mansion from the movie. He still loses the empire he built throughout the original story and has to start from square one.

But this time he knows the tragic flaw that led to his downfall. It happened in Miami and it feels very similar. vice cityBut it can never be considered a bad thing. The game uses Al Pacino's likeness for Tony Montana, but a different actor plays the iconic character.

It might be hard to think of someone as ruthless as Tony Montana as a weakling, but he at least refuses to kill innocent women and children. This principle is reflected in the gameplay.


cyberpunk 2077

Become a legend of the night city although your lifespan is limited


December 10, 2020

Starting with Cyberpunk 2077, protagonist V and their best friend Jackie have big dreams of joining Night City's major mercenary league. Still, in a few hours cyberpunk 2077 In the story, V and Jackie are chewed out, and despite having a ticking time bomb in his head with the personality structure of famed rocker boy terrorist Johnny Silverhand, only V survives, constantly sparking grief and potential friendships.

Silverhand is slowly taking over V's consciousness and removing the chip will kill them outright. This will greatly hinder our hero's plans to make a name for himself in Night City's criminal underworld. Despite the time limit on V's condition, this won't stop them from gaining street cred throughout Night City and being recognized as great mercenaries among many fixers to earn more Eurodollars and save their own lives.

Depending on which ending players get, they could end the world's greatest story with a villa in Night City planning a massive heist. V could die at any time, but they are legends of Night City. Moreover, the fact that we have no choice but to live each day as if it were our last is in itself hopeful.


fallout 4

Lead your forces into a new era in an unpredictable wasteland


PlayStation-1 Xbox-1


November 10, 2015

Bethesda's Evolution fallout with fallout 4 There are several endings that would qualify for this list. The protagonist does not start the game looking for power and status. Because he just wants to find his son Sean in a world different from the one he knew.

When it is revealed that the son is an old man who leads a technologically advanced research institute, the player has several choices to make. They can be the first in the wasteland to take charge of technology and weapons and follow in their children's footsteps.

Whichever ending you choose, at least one faction will be destroyed. Those who want to feel truly powerful can devastate all forces except the Minutemen, showing that the sole survivor of Vault 111 can become a true powerhouse in the wasteland by controlling his own forces.



From street thug to New York City money



March 21, 2006


EA Redwood Shores


electronic arts

This video game adaptation of the 1972 classic film begins with the protagonist witnessing his father's death as a child. He grows up and begins working for the Corleone family and completes missions that follow the events of the film. After beating the story, the player becomes the Underboss.


The 8 Most Controversial Open World Games, Ranked

With the immense popularity of open world games, it's no wonder that some of them sometimes spark controversy.

Upon reaching 100% completion, the player becomes the Don of New York City. The player creates a protagonist, but he is always named Aldo and must be male. The title is an open world adventure, so completing every side quest and finding every collectible is no small task.


saints row

From random bystander to leader of the congregation




September 1, 2006

that saints row The series ends in a place so over-the-top that it's easy to forget it all started with a street-level conflict. The protagonist starts off as someone who is barely rescued by the titular 3rd Street Saints and eventually becomes associated with him.

Although they are a gang, the Saints from the first game are actually working to reduce street violence in video games. This means taking control of all rival gangs to rise to the top. The game ends in the middle of a massive yacht explosion, leading to a sequel where the player must again make his way through the criminal underworld.


8 of the best open world games that offer freedom of play style

This great open world video game offers players unparalleled freedom in play style, allowing for a variety of ways to make your way through a unique world.

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