The Best Pyro Characters In Genshin Impact, Ranked


  • Pyro is a top-tier element in Genshin Impact, offering strong DPS options like Hu Tao and Arlecchino for combat.
  • Characters like Xinyan and Amber from the element lack in kit effectiveness, overshadowed by stronger options in the game.
  • Hu Tao shines as the best Pyro character in the game, excelling in single-target scenarios with high DMG multipliers.

There are a total of seven elements in Genshin Impact, but if you’ve been playing the game for a while, you already know that these elements aren’t on the same level when it comes to the power they hold. Pyro is arguably one of the strongest elements you can have when it comes to the game’s combat.


Every Geo Character In Genshin Impact, Ranked

Geo might be one of the least reactive elements in Genshin Impact, but some characters from this element can still give you good value.

This is also one of the most populated elements in the game with over ten characters. It’s quite easy to acquire and build a Pyro character on your account because of this, but you’ll get more value if you build the strongest character possible.

Updated on January 28, 2024, by Sanyam Jain: After a long wait and a lot of four-star and five-star Pyro characters, Genshin Impact has finally seen the release of the Pyro Archon herself as a playable character. As you’d expect, she’s one of the most broken Pyro units with some of the highest damage numbers.



Xinyan In The Field

  • Weapon – Claymore
  • Region – Liyue

received some of the best character details you can find in Genshin Impact, but it was the exact opposite when it came to her kit. It feels like HoYoverse wasn’t sure what they wanted her to do, and she received a bunch of split-scaling because of that.

Some parts of her abilities scale on DEF while others scale on ATK. Moreover, some parts of her kit rely on Pyro DMG while the others let her buff the entire party’s Physical DMG. Unfortunately, she ends up being quite a useless character because of the absence of any outshining aspects in her kit.



Amber in sunset in Genshin Impact

  • Weapon – Bow
  • Region – Mondstadt

is one of the first characters you get to meet in the main story, and she’s also the first free character you acquire in the game. Her Elemental Skill lets her throw out a bunny that taunts opponents and prevents them from damaging your active character, while her Burst deals some Pyro DMG over a short duration.

Unfortunately, Amber suffers from the being-free-nerf with her multipliers not being nearly high enough to be viable. However, she’s one of the best characters to use for exploration during the early game.



Thoma caring for the stray dogs

  • Weapon – Polearm
  • Region – Inazuma

is one of the many shielders in Genshin Impact, but he has a unique regenerating shield mechanic with his Elemental Burst. Whenever you use this ability, Normal Attacks from your active character replace his shield while also dealing Pyro DMG to nearby enemies.


Genshin Impact: All Inazuma Shrine Of Depth And Key Locations

Here is exactly where to find the Shrine of Depths in Inazuma, and how to get the keys to unlock them.

This DMG isn’t nearly good enough to consider him a DPS, but it can serve as a decent off-field Pyro application if you’re trying to use a reverse-Vaporize or reverse-Melt team. Unfortunately, he gets powercrept by better options if you acquire certain characters in your account.



Genshin Impact, Yanfei unleashing her Elemental Burst

  • Weapon – Catalyst
  • Region – Liyue

Being a lawyer from Liyue, Yanfei
has the talent to get anything out of anyone. She’s a phenomenal F2P-friendly Pyro DPS in the game with the ability to consume less stamina and deal increased DMG on her Charged Attacks. However, it can take you a bit to get used to her kit because of the Sacred Seals.

Yanfei gets much better as you get some constellations on her, which isn’t too hard since she’s a four-star character. If you’re looking for a Pyro DPS that can help you clear endgame content, she’s one of the top picks.



Genshin Impact Dehya Character Portrait With Black Background

  • Weapon – Claymore
  • Region – Sumeru

Ever since Dehya
was first revealed in Sumeru, quite a lot of people were excited to get her because of her beautiful design. However, when she did get released to the game, the hype died down because of her not-so-good kit. Dehya is an off-field Pyro applicator who’s also supposed to take the role of the tank.

This is done by her mitigating damage from your active character while her Elemental Skill deals AoE Pyro DMG. However, you can easily get a shielder to perform the role of a tank better, and her turret only deals DMG once every 2.5 seconds.



diluc genshin impact

  • Weapon – Claymore
  • Region – Mondstadt

When Genshin Impact was first released, Diluc
was the most sought-after standard character because of how cool he was. However, as the game progressed, players started realizing some gaping holes in his kit, one of them being his abilities having a push-back effect on the opponents.


Genshin Impact: The Best Builds For Diluc, Ranked

Diluc is one of the best DPS characters to use in Genshin Impact, and here’s a look at the best builds you can have for him.

Diluc is a close-range DPS and pushing your opponents back with your Elemental Burst serves as a detriment since you now have to run to them before dealing damage again. However, he’s still quite a viable option to clear endgame content if you invest a lot of resources.



Klee Amongst Some Explosions

  • Weapon – Catalyst
  • Region – Mondstadt

was the first limited Pyro character released in Genshin Impact, and she was adored by the entire community because of her cute yet explosive personality. She’s been featured in a ton of events thus far, and Klee’s mother is one of the most mysterious characters in the entire game.

However, things fizzle out with this character when it comes to her kit. While she can deal a respectable amount of damage, her kit starts feeling a little clunky with time and you need to invest a lot of resources to make her strong.



yoimiya story quest in genshin impact

  • Weapon – Bow
  • Region – Inazuma

From one character with an explosive personality to another, Yoimiya
hails from the Naganohara Fireworks shop of Inazuma. She’s one of the first characters you meet during the region’s main story, and her personality is one that you can never forget.

Yoimiya’s Elemental Skill gives her Normal Attacks a Pyro infusion while also increasing her DMG massively. Moreover, she can also act as a support for other team members when her Skill is on cooldown, making her one of the best Pyro DPS in the game.



Chevreuse from Genshin Impact taking aim with her gun.

  • Weapon – Polearm
  • Region – Fontaine

The first four-star Pyro character from Fontaine, Chevreuse was released alongside a massive event that painted her in quite a good light. Her kit is also one of the most unique kits released in a long time since it brings one of the low-rank reactions back into the meta. Chevreuse’s Skill can heal your active character for a bit.


Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions For Chevreuse

These teams will help you get the most out of Chevreuse in Genshin Impact

However, the main part of her kit is the first passive ability that essentially buffs the Overload reaction by reducing the affected enemy’s Pyro and Electro RES. This requires you to have only Electro and Pyro characters in the team, which makes her a little niche. However, you can reliably use Overload teams to beat endgame content with this character.



A young man does a traditional Dragon Dance in front of a glowing statue.

  • Weapon – Claymore
  • Region – Liyue

It seems like HoYoverse is on a roll with releasing some of the most unique kits, especially when it comes to the Pyro units. Gaming’s kit is based around dealing massive damage with his special Plunge Attack, which only triggers if you hit a character or a wall with his Skill. You can continuously use this Plunge Attack during his Ultimate.

With the correct supports and special requirements like Bennett’s final constellation, you can deal quite staggering damage with Gaming
. You can also use off-field Hydro applicators like Furina to trigger the Vaporize reaction and get the absolute best out of his kit. However, you will need to assign a dedicated healer to Gaming in this team.



Genshin Impact Hangout Quests Bennett

  • Weapon – Sword
  • Region – Mondstadt

is both the unluckiest character when it comes to lore and the strongest support when it comes to his combat abilities. He’s so strong that he’s collectively considered the only six-star character in the game by the community, and his Elemental Burst is to thank for all that.

This ability creates a small field on the battle that heals the active character and gives them a massive ATK boost. He can single-handedly increase any DPS character’s DMG significantly, but his abilities fizzle out if your DPS scales on DEF or HP.



Xiangling-Guoya-Genshin-Impact Cropped

  • Weapon – Polearm
  • Region – Liyue

has been given the title of HoYoverse’s favorite child when it comes to Genshin Impact because she’s the best all-rounder character you’ll ever find. Once you put some resources into upgrading her, you can use her as a main DPS, sub-DPS, reaction trigger, and support all at the same time.


Genshin Impact: The Best Builds For Xiangling, Ranked

Xiangling can be obtained for free from Spiral Abyss and makes a great addition to your team. Here’s how to get the most of the pyro DPS chef.

Moreover, it seems like almost every new Polearm released in the game somehow works with her kit. Xiangling is also one of the free characters that you can acquire through the Spiral Abyss, and her constellations give her a staggering buff.



Genshin Impact Lyney With Cards In Hand

  • Weapon – Bow
  • Region – Fontaine

is a great magician and a five-star Pyro character hailing from the land of Fontaine, and he’s currently the third-best Pyro character in the game. Lyney’s main damage comes from his Charged Attacks, which are inherently hard to perform for a Bow user. Thankfully, his kit has some aspects that make this easier.

His Elemental Skill creates a hat on the field that actively taunts all the enemies. Moreover, he also has the ability to both take away his own HP and regenerate it, making the Marechaussee artifact set perfect on him.


Hu Tao

Hu Tao playing with ger Hands.

  • Weapon – Polearm
  • Region – Liyue

The Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor held the crown of the best Pyro character in Genshin Impact for a long time since her release. Hu Tao is a phenomenal HP-scaling DPS that also relies on her Charged Attack for most of her DMG, but these attacks get a massive buff when her Elemental Skill is used.

Her kit has a lot of aspects that are similar to Lyney’s, but she’s simply better at dealing damage because of her massive multipliers and synergy with Vaporize reaction and Hydro Resonance. Once you have this character in your account, you’ll easily beat any opponent that’s not immune to Pyro, but she specifically outshines in single-target scenarios.



Genshin Impact Arlecchino Cool Angle From Behind

  • Weapon – Polearm
  • Region – Snezhnaya

Ever since the first introduction during the main story of Fontaine, it was pretty clear that Arlecchino
was going to be one of the strongest characters in Genshin Impact both in terms of lore and playable abilities. This was proven to be true as she was released during the Version 4.6 update alongside a new mechanic.

The Bond of Life mechanic was already in the game before her, but Arlecchino is the first playable character fully utilizing it in her kit. If you learn how to use this properly, you’ll easily be dealing over a 100,000 damage with her on a regular basis, making her even stronger than the top Pyro character if you’re fighting multiple enemies at the same time.



Genshin Impact Mavuika cool pose with shiny hair.

  • Weapon – Claymore
  • Region – Natlan

Claymore characters have been down in the ditches for quite a while apart from a few exceptions like Gaming and Kinich
, with Mavuika being another addition. As you’d expect from the Pyro Archon, she can deal some of the highest damage numbers in the game with upwards of one million on her Burst in the right setup.

The best part is that even after dealing this high damage, you have quite a few seconds to deal high basic attack damage during her Ultimate as well. Finally, even when she’s off field, you’ll get a ring behind your active character that deals consistent off-field Pyro damage from Mavuika.

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