Key Takeaways
- Overwatch 2 Classic Mode features the original 21 heroes, a 6v6 option with outdated kits and unbalanced mechanics.
- Play a variety of team compositions to outwit your opponents, including lunge, all-out, charge, all-rounder, and heavy defense.
- Each team composition in Overwatch: Classic has a specific strategy, along with a combination of heroes, to effectively dominate the match.
Players can now try out different team compositions. overwatch 2's Classic Mode is a special limited-time 6v6 event that harkens back to the release of the first game. This is a huge departure from what standard games offer today. In the current title, players are limited to a 5v5 format, but there is more variety with 41 heroes to choose from.

Overwatch 2: Overwatch Classic, Explained
Overwatch Classic is a limited-time game mode for Overwatch 2 that brings back nostalgic memories to longtime Overwatch players and fans.
Forming various meta teams overwatch 2's classic mode is a bit tricky. That's because players can only choose from the original 21 heroes.. Beyond this, many companies have kits that are significantly different from what you currently have. To add to the challenge, Overwatch: Classic also retains version 1.0's unbalanced gameplay mechanics, such as accelerated Ultimate build-up, ultimate damage counters, and more.
Every team composition in Overwatch: Classic has been drafted with the above factors in mind. The choice of standard 2-2-2 was made here because it presents a level playing field and will soon become the standard.
5 Poke Team
Become a long-distance nuisance
this overwatch 2 A classic mode team consists of:
- winston
- pig
- Widowmaker
- blue
- Zenyatta
- Lucio
Overwatch: Classic team compositions allow players to use old-school strategies that involve multiple Winstons. here, A single Winston is still better than none.The increased agility will help the player tremendously. The hero doesn't do much damage, but being disruptive and creating space is where he shines. After this overwatch 2 The team composition also includes Roadhog, allowing the tank to easily disperse his opponents.
Widowmaker shines as a DPS in the current meta, whether in standard competitive play or classic mode. The grapple has a longer cooldown, but she deals more damage here too. Combining Widowmaker and Pharah allows players to eliminate enemies from a safe, out-of-reach location.. This easily creates and blocks a chokehold.
Zenyatta and Lucio are the healers chosen for this team composition. overwatch 2This is the classic mode. Lucio especially provides much-needed movement bonuses and AoE healing. Because his range is now fantastically wide at 30m.. Meanwhile, Zenyatta's orbs can heal allies when needed and can also be used to attack in team fights. The Monk remains a good DPS character, helping to increase the team's overall damage from range.
4 power pitcher
Play powerful attacks and calculate the damage.
All heroes in this lineup are:
- pig
- It's a place
- Cassidy
- Hanzo
- mercy
- Lucio
This special Overwatch: Classic Mode team composition is for anyone who loves going all out in team battles. It is one of the most aggressive and is also quite sustainable.
Take on Roadhog overwatch 2's Classic mode is easier than the standard Competitive mode. This is because it has much lower health and a cooldown of only 300HP. But he's still incredibly tanky and powerful, and could easily be chosen to build an all-out brawler team in Overwatch: Classic. meantime, Zarya's Bubble now stores more energy but has separate cooldowns for herself and allies.. Her defensive and offensive support and excellent ultimate make her a great fit for aggressive players.

Overwatch 2 Reveals All Overwatch: Classic Hero Kits
Overwatch 2 reveals all of the playable heroes from Overwatch: Classic, once again introducing fans to the old-school kits of their favorite characters.
When it comes to DPS Heroes, Cassidy is completely broken. His secondary fire deals 70 damage per bullet, meaning that most enemies will suffer a one-time hit if the player lands all of their bullets. His second ability now also has a stun effect and lasts for a significant amount of time. Players can pair him with Torbjorn and his turrets or Bastion, but Hanzo is another damaged one. overwatch 1 A hero with excellent mobility. His scatter arrows scatter widely, but it's usually single shots that hit non-tank people in the feet.
single Mercy's biggest advantage in Overwatch: The classic team composition is a massive resurgence. In this mode, it is her ultimate and she resurrects no matter how many allies die. Yes, you can instantly revive your entire team. Her healing and damage increases are also pretty good. As explained, Lucio is a great AoE healer. Players can easily heal their entire team while staying out of the danger zone.
3 diving team
A team suited for fast and coordinated attacks
look at this overwatch 2 Team composition:
- Reinhardt
- roadhog
- Hanzo
- Soldier 76
- mercy
- Zenyatta
Any Overwatch: Classic team composition should be able to utilize a well-coordinated dive. With that in mind, there are few combinations that can produce better results than this one.
Reinhardt maintains P2W My Hero Academia As an aside for now, he is a tank with a 2000HP shield. That's his biggest advantage. He can only fire once and his charge cannot be canceled, but his shield and long-range Earthshatter make him very powerful. Roadhog doesn't have the same moves, but his grappling hook and shotgun can easily take out most enemies in one go..
Hanzo is a good choice for scouting and delivering ranged attacks to give your team the upper hand at the start of a fight. His Scatter Arrow is exemplary and players can pair it with Roadhog's grappling hook if they have trouble with movement and aiming. The Soldier 76 is easy to pick because the gun has no recoil, but the bullet spread increases over time. Given this, the “on-again, off-again” method can be used to kill it quickly. There's also AoE healing, so it can provide extra healing if needed.

All the major changes in Overwatch 2 Season 13 Midseason Update explained
Season 13 of Overwatch 2 has finally brought its mid-season changes, adding tons of new modes, events, skins, and more to the title.
Mercy can help with increased damage and healing, not to mention massive respawns if a dive goes wrong. Meanwhile, the addition of Zenyatta to the Overwatch: Classic mode team composition is significant. Not only can he kill many heroes at once, but his Orb of Discord provides a 50% damage boost. This does wonders for jumping in and taking out even the best support heroes instantly. overwatch 2This is the classic mode.
2 All-round team
Balanced defense, balanced attack for all scenarios
Here are the heroes for your Overwatch: Classic team composition:
- It's a place
- winston
- bastion
- genji
- mercy
- Zenyatta
Not all players have the same skills and every match is fluid due to obstacles. thus, In Overwatch: Classic, pursuing an all-round team composition has a higher chance of winning.
Zarya's particle cannons and bubbles are a huge help to aggressive players who like to hassle the backline, like Winston, or even players who are likely to get picked first, like Mercy. Ultimate is also pretty good. You can now escape Zarya's ultimate more easily. than standard overwatch 2But it still has influence. Winston's impressive agility is important for dispersing enemies and providing easy meals for allies.

Overwatch 2: All Crossover Collaboration Event Skins
Overwatch 2 has featured a number of crossover collaborations, dressing up heroes as iconic characters from the franchise.
Genji is now more agile than standard in Overwatch: Classic as his double jump is reset on wall climbs. His Dragon Blade lasts for 8 seconds, giving him enough time to take down almost any enemy. Bastion is the best DPS hero. overwatch 2. He doesn't move in his Sentry configuration, but he can stay there indefinitely and completely melt everyone. He also has self-healing abilities. Basically, he can do enough damage on his own and take down any enemy with poor mobility.
Mercy's massive respawns and increased damage are important in any team composition. Zenyatta is a good healer and a good DPS if the player prefers that aspect.
1 hard defense team
The best defense is a good offense
heroes in this overwatch 2 Classic mode team composition is as follows:
- Reinhardt
- It's a place
- bastion
- Hanzo
- mercy
- Symmetra
Overwatch: Classic team compositions, built purely for defense, can be crucial when a player is at a disadvantage or is up against an ultra-meta team. This lineup can help them against almost any team, especially if they stick together.
No matter what the developers change, Reinhardt's 2000HP barrier field is a big positive here. overwatch 2 The meta of classic mode. Combine Zarya's protective bubble with Bastion's overwhelming damage output and your enemies will be gone long before they can take down your shield. Bastion's self-healing doesn't require much help from Mercy, allowing her to focus on other frontline characters. However, increasing your damage can help you kill enemies much faster.
Hanzo's long-range damage and scouting make the backline a hassle and help allies prepare their strategies for upcoming team fights. Hanzo also has great agility, allowing him to move around and take out flankers who prioritize Bastion or Mercy. Scatter Arrows can't be ignored as they are also great for dealing massive damage.
Symmetra is here instead of another healer. This is because primary and secondary fire can help you deal extra damage. Additionally, you can now build up to 6 turrets. They have paper-like health, but deal significant damage and even slow their movement. When players stack them all together, they become a powerful deterrent to anyone trying to rush in without thinking. overwatch 2Classic mode combat.

- released
- October 4, 2022
- Open Criticism Evaluation
- strong