The biggest tradition of the series


  • HEAT MOVES shows a magnificent takedown of the Yakuza game and evolves for brilliant battles for each game.

  • All yakuza games are finished with a strong one -on -one confrontation that emphasizes the fight of ideology.

  • Kamuro -cho is a symbolic element of the franchise, which evolves with the character to maintain its charm.

It is difficult to find a lot of people who play similarly. Yakuza. This semi -realistic crime thriller is really fun to play. Each story has a new story and sometimes a completely new cast, but there are still some traditions that help connect all of this. Ultimately, this trend Yakuza The series gives a unique and different feeling from many other action adventure games that have dominated the industry in recent years.


8 strange Yakuza games, ranking

Yakuza/Like a Dragon Franchise is famous for being a stupid gypsum bizarre mini game, but this is the strange game in the Yakuza franchise.

Traditions can be everything that has been synonymous with the series, and it has been replicated at least in most games, not all. This can also be a machine, a position, or even a character. As long as it continues to reappear, it will be considered one of the many trends that existed in the industry. Yakuza It is a series that helps us to make it a very loved series that we are familiar with today.


Thermal action

A grand takedown technology that shows the powerful power of Kiryu

'Hit Action' is a destructive attack that allows you to knock down the enemy at once in the most colorful way of Kiryu with other heroes in the series. In most games, Kiryu tends to charge the bar first to unlock one of these capabilities in battle, and to use it, he tends to press a quick QTE button to strengthen the overall damage output.

Heat is a fairly basic mechanism, but Yakuza 0 and Kiwami In the case of the game, the developer Ryu Ga Gotoku will consider this problem for future games by introducing Red Heat in the third and fourth games and introducing Climax Heat in the sixth game. Even on turns Infinite partKiryu can burst several hit attacks as they used to be in the form of a dragon.


Final one -on -one confrontation

The Yakuza game clearly knows how to finish the story nicely.

Each Yakuza The first game ended with Kiryu taking a big bad thing about the story in one -on -one battle. But this last fight is not just a random struggle in the alleys, but a epic battle that pushes each other until the limits of physical abilities and puts everything for the last opportunity. Victor Out.


10 Best Yakuza Movies, Rankings

Organized crimes have been an interesting and dangerous part of the film, especially in the films surrounding Yakuza.

These sequences are always too intense to see the actual scenes and the mouths open, but it is too fun to participate, so it encourages the player to use all the attacks, skills and skills that the player learned until that point. Overcome the last challenge. Considering that both of them will always expose Yakuza tattoos in this fight, they may feel like a fight of ideology and make these climate encounters more important and memorable.


Amon Boss

Repeated Super Boss from mysterious Amon clan

Amon Clan does not play an important role in a wider range. Yakuza It is a story, but one of the members who always appear as endless obsession with Kiryu is Joamon. After losing to Kiryu YakuzakiwamiJO appears in each game and desperately challenges Kiryu to prove his value against Dojima's dragon.

While the tide does not appear Like a dragon He will come back later because the game is centered around the icheban. Infinite part There he once again tried to defeat Kiryu in a one -on -one battle, but he felt completely humiliated.


Millennium Tower

The best place to set scores in Kamuro -cho

The Millennium Tower is the largest building in Kamuro, so it is treated as a magnificent stadium where the character can finally set the score. The tower debuted in the first game, which will be the stadium where Kiryu and Nishikiyama confront, but the former will have another intense duel here. Yakuza 3This time with Majima. By the beginning of the fourth game, Majima himself decided to make a reservation for the top floor of the building for his family, making it more important in the story.

Even if the story turns the protagonist to Ichiban Like a dragonMillennium Tower still plays a pivotal role in the story. Every time a new item comes out, the player will always be a very unique icist in the series, with always looking forward to how and how will it will be taken to the tower.



Japanese mafia is always at the center of each story.

No matter how many twists and turns the story line of the game, in some form, there will always be Yakuza at the heart of the story. In most cases, the story focuses on Yakuza's evils and constant conflicts with the government and legal authorities, and even though Kiryu is inherently moving away from them as early as they are. Yakuza 0He is still tied again every time.

Instead of the existence of a large group of Yakuja, it is divided into a separate clan. This allows you to introduce a variety of unique and interesting characters in the game, such as the brave and charismatic Ichiban or Seiryu Clan from the tojo Arikawa family, such as the tojo Arikawa family.



This convenient healing aid always appears over time.

Star Minan is a unique healing drink. Yakuza In most items, Kiryu's health and hit gauge can be raised to drink a few sips and participate in the battle again. Such a drink is a healing item that players can store, and they always appear in the game, and are generally easy to find at convenience stores or streets.


Like a dragon: The best female character in the series

This female character tends to be the most prominent in the favorite LIKE A Dragon series.

These drinks also appeared in the cut scene, and the most well -known example is Rainna threw Stamin Non X to Nishikiyama, and the player can be treated instead. Some of the stamina spokes that Jo Amon can use. Yakuza 0 Poison the player. Needless to say, these unique items always appear to help when the player is in crisis when he is on the last leg.


Too many mini games

The Yakuza series is widely known as the king of bonus mini games.

The mini -game was initially a very small part of experience, Yakuza In the case of the game, it began to realize how popular the developer RYO GA GOTOKU was, and as a result, it was the third game that decided to add more games. These mini games range from casual activities such as darts and arcades to strange hosingks such as high -speed competition carts, and in some cases, the latest games can be used to explore tourists.

The mini game helps to show the stupid side of the game. Yakuza The franchise allows players to relax and relax through comfortable activities between the stressful missions. Since RGG aims to increase the number of mini games for each item, it will be interesting to see what new items will be added in the future.



You can explore the most symbolic cities of the franchise in all main line games.

Kamuro Cho, a bright and busy area of ​​Tokyo, is essentially a character in itself. This wonderful area was an area where you can explore in all games. A man who erased his nameAlthough it has changed a lot over the years. ~ Inside Yakuza 0In the late '80s, Kamuro -cho, set in the background of the economic boom in Japan, was a stylish and vibrant area where Yakuza traveled around the streets and a secret business transaction was regularly done.

But as time goes by, Kamuro -cho still retains the many charms and sights that fans know, but they are becoming more and more relics of the past. Many fans were worried that Kamuro Cho would be eliminated Infinite part Because of the bigger focus on Hawaii, thankfully, we return to the latter part of the game so that the tradition can continue.


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