The creepiest ghost ship in the game

Key Takeaways

  • The video game uses “ghost ships” which are not limited to nautical themes but extend into interstellar and futuristic environments.
  • Unique locations such as “abandoned ships”
    Enhances player experience by creating an enhanced atmosphere.
  • games like
    dead space
    Alien: Quarantine
    A haunted ship is a pivotal element of the narrative, creating a sense of dread.

The “ghost ship” may have become firmly established as a horror trope in fiction, but within video games its role has expanded from that of a sea vessel to the scope of intergalactic transport.


8 horror games with the strangest atmosphere

Successful horror games almost always utilize atmosphere to evoke fear, and this particular game utilizes the bizarre to great effect.

From long-lost space transports to sunken shipwrecks filled with treasure, the “ghost ship” metaphor is used frequently in fiction, but it does nothing to quell the fear that many players will no doubt feel when traversing inside them.

1 “Abandoned Ship” / SS Cactus

An ill-fated ship with cabins and treasure hidden underwater.

Collage showing keyframes from Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire


Super grayscale 8-bit logo

The chronicle of old ghost ships in video games is naturally full of examples from the thriller and horror genres, but ghost ships are not limited to horror-filled experiences. The representative one is <폐선>This is the setting and atmosphere. pokemon3rd generation.

Tucked away on Route 108 between the gym towns of Dewford Town and Slateport City, within Hoenn's vast ocean waterways, the SS Cactus is known to players as the 'Abandoned Ship' and is a rare insight into the darker side of Nintendo's typically family-friendly company. franchise. Rusted portholes, rotting doors and floorboards, and the dim, waterlogged fate of the SS Cactus add to the ship's gloomy atmosphere. The sunken fate of the “abandoned ship”, reinforced by a chain of locked doors and hidden keys on the lower levels of the ship, which can only be accessed by the player accessing the dive HM and leading to the captain's quarters and a hidden scanner item, is as follows. Uniquely cold location pokemon franchise.

2 Obra Din

A literal ghost ship full of hidden mysteries

Collage showing key art and keyframes from The Return of the Obra Dinn

October 18, 2018

lucas pope

It was originally touted as a passion project. Please give me the documents developer lukas pope, The Return of Obra DinThe eight-hour story surrounding the fictional 1802 disappearance and further appearance of a merchant ship is an experience that uniquely focuses on the fate of the ship's entire crew.

Using a supernatural pocket watch, players must relive the final moments of the souls of 60 people lost during the Obra Dinn's voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, while players must guess the identities and fates of all passengers. Shown in a retro-inspired black and white binary image style, Obra Dinn's trip to South Africa was filled with all sorts of dangerous incidents. From the supernatural to the mystical and even murder.

3 helios

Art deco corpse in an alternate future utopia

Collage showing major art close to the sun

close to the sun

May 2, 2019

storm in a teacup

Similar to the claustrophobic atmosphere of recent immersive simulations such as 2007 bioshock, close to the sun Not only does it confine the player within the confines of a location, but it also gives it a terrifying character of its own. Against the backdrop of the collapsing corruption of the ocean liner Helios, close to the sun‘Unbound utopia’ is transformed into ‘the stench of rotting flesh’.


8 Best Water Games, Ranked

Creating a game that includes an underwater world can be difficult, but with great characters and an immersive story, this game is a top choice.

Set in an alternate future of 1897 where technological powerhouses Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla fight for global supremacy, the isolated Helios Hall is the last gasp of many guests, ranging from brutality to passion to heartbreaking declarations. It is the home of Georim. . As the player solves the riddle close to the sunThe Art Deco-inspired glamor of Helios begins to fade, and the corruption of Tesla's utopian vision for humanity shines through.

4 MS Curie

A savior that looks like a submersible for those trapped on Pathos-II.

Collage showing key art and keyframes from SOMA

September 15, 2015

Players will spend most of their time during the 2015 survival horror title. soma Within the cramped confines of the underwater Pathos-II research station, the safety and hope symbolized by the MS Curie submersible is too tantalizing to ignore.

So, despite the hull being buried by the sea and damaged beyond repair, the player is forced to venture deeper into the metal carcass to investigate further. Unfortunately, MS Curie's halls are similarly stalked by Flesher's terrifying humanoid figure. MS Curie's last gasp is used by the player to eject a self-destructing escape pod, and along with the Flesher, is also one of the shining hopes for those trapped underwater on Pathos-II.

5 USCSS Torrance

A Nestromo-inspired spaceship bookends the narrative of Alien: Isolation

Collage showing key art and keyframes from Alien Isolation

Although most Aliens: Quarantine's 18-hour runtime is spent in the dark confines of Sebastopol Station, hiding from lurking Xenomorphs, and her role as USCSS Torrens aboard Amanda Ripley's ferry to the dying space station. This is the most important role of the game as a hope for escape. story.


10 Best Horror Games in One Place (Ranked)

A good horror game doesn't need to do anything fancy to scare the player. These titles only need to utilize one location.

While there is damage nearby. Alien: QuarantineThe position of the USCSS Torrens at the beginning of , and in the title's final moments when it risks being dragged out by Sebastopol Station itself, is both fascinating and terrifying. Noticeable internal similarity to the original USCSS Nostromo alien The Xenomorph's rampage in the film transformed this nostalgic design into a fear-inducing set piece. Ripley appears lost in the endless vacuum of space as she throws herself and an alien named Alien out of the spaceship's airlock.

6 abandoned reaper

Mass Effect's ship-sized corpse poses an existential threat

A collage showing key art and key frames showing the main characters and the abandoned Reaper from Mass Effect 2.

Action RPG

third person shooting game

January 26, 2010

within its role as an existential threat to the whole. mass effect The Reapers' position in the universe is that of a purely hostile force that must be approached with great caution due to their destructive capabilities. Therefore, the existence of the abandoned Reaper orbiting Mnemosyne is something the player will be aware of. mass effect 2 It's a completely unique piece in the series' history.

With a team of Cerberus researchers silenced aboard a previously sentient vessel, players find themselves similarly trapped as they venture inside the Derelict Reaper to guess their fate. Traversing inside the organic hull of the series' greatest enemy faction is an incredibly fear-inducing experience, and the presence of the Husks in the research team adds to the theme of horror-inspired bio-organic horror.

7 SS Ouran Medan

World War II cargo ships relevant to the real world

Collage showing key art and key frames from The Dark Pictures Anthology Man Of Medan

Based on somewhat factual reports of the missing ship of the same name, the fate of the SS Ourang Medan in Supermassive Games' narrative horror title of the same name is terrifying enough to leave open to interpretation.

A World War II cargo ship abandoned for 72 years before being discovered by the player's group of amateur divers is not only home to pirates and seemingly supernatural beings, but a very real danger lurks for the group of friends. Trapped in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, players navigate a rusty, worn-out hull. The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan's ship takes on the twisted challenge of keeping all of its eager explorers alive while exploring the dark corners and corrupting allure of a 20th century freighter.

8 dead space

The CDC's flagship product has been turned into a container for one of the best creatures in horror games.

A collage showing the key art and key frames of Dead Space's enemies.

October 14, 2008

Regardless of whether players experience dense body horror and claustrophobia. 'Dead Space'Whether you take USG Ishimura within the scope of the third-person survival horror's original 2008 release or its 2023 remake, the horror of CEC's flagship remains the same.

Players are forced to traverse the ship's deadly, silent corridors as the arachnid-like necromorphs brutally exploit the Ishimura's poor emergency lighting and ventilation systems, and the breathtaking expanse of space blocks all forms of escape. Existing almost like a panting creature, USG Ishimura is not only the setting for arguably one of the most influential horror titles of the seventh console generation, but also one of the scariest horror titles in the entire genre.


7 Best Horror Games That Brilliantly Combine Puzzle and Combat

Horror games, with their great mix of horror, puzzles, and thrilling combat, have always been popular with players.

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