Key Takeaways
- Halo Infinite's new Infection map is Red vs. Paying homage to the legacy of Rooster Teeth, famous for Blue.
- The Easter eggs on the map are a tribute to the Rooster Teeth Podcast set and the company's cultural influence.
- It wouldn't be surprising to see more Rooster Teeth Easter eggs in future Halo games.
new map halo infiniteThe Infection game mode is a nostalgic take on its creator, Rooster Teeth. Rooster Teeth last closed its doors earlier this year, but this halo infinite Tributes are a great way to pay tribute to a company.
Rooster Teeth was the company behind it. red vs blue. How did it start? Halo: Combat Evolved Machinima eventually became a web series that ran for 18 seasons and led to the success of the entire company. red vs blue It was concluded concurrently with (but unrelated to) the company's closure earlier this year. Over the years, several Rooster Teeth figures have had voice cameos. halo It shows how much respect Bungie and 343 Industries have for the company. This latest Easter egg reminds us just how important Rooster Teeth are to humans. haloCulture of the past decades.
Halo Infinite Player Gives Spartans a Borderlands-themed Makeover
Halo Infinite Online players get creative and transform their multiplayer Spartans into enemy types from the Borderlands series.
The new details were recently discovered by Redditor MonkeysxMoo35. halo infinite Studio Fright, an infestation map created by community member UnknownEmerald, includes a set that will be very familiar to Rooster Teeth fans. For those of you who aren't familiar, this is a set of Rooster Teeth podcasts that ran between 2008 and 2024. The set has evolved over the years, but this version halo infinite It represents a later iteration and certainly cannot be mistaken for anything else. There may be some players who don't understand, but it's cool to see the references included regardless.
halo infinite infection map rooster teeth easter egg
Rooster Teeth's closure is a shame, but it's a testament to the legacy it left behind that it still continues to show up. halo Game to some extent. Machinima itself is a nearly extinct art form, reaching its peak in the mid to late 2000s. red vs blue It was one of the few that held up long after this point. This is purely speculation, but it's not unfair to suggest that gamers may see more. red vs blue or Rooster Teeth Easter Eggs halo Games in the future. Considering the long period of time that has passed, it is very likely that the work is being done by an individual. halo Who grew up? red vs blueIf you think about it, that's really cool.
that halo The franchise is having a fascinating few years. This was revealed earlier this month. halo Developer 343 Industries is changing its name to Halo Studios and transitioning all future projects to Unreal Engine 5. Although it seems like every game in existence is jumping on the Unreal Engine 5 train, halo'In this case, it can be a blessing. This allows developers to bring in individuals who have experience with the engine without having to train them on the proprietary Slipspace engine as they did previously. several halo With titles confirmed to be in development, there's a lot to look forward to in the future of the franchise.