The most powerful Borderlands character according to legend

Key Takeaways

  • that
    The universe features powerful characters such as Athena, a former assassin, and Amara, a siren with incredible combat abilities.
  • Krieg, a psycho with a buzzing axe, and Maya, a siren with supernatural powers, are also among the most powerful characters in the series.
  • The Calypso twins, Tyreen and Troy, pose a serious threat as combined Sirens with shared powers, while Lilith, a powerful Siren, leads the Crimson Raider.

cosmic borderland Tormented by corporate greed and a mad quest for ultimate power. Vault Hunters work tirelessly to find ancient artifacts left behind by mysterious creatures that evade understanding and powerful villains who wield terrifying powers that unite the inhabitants of Pandora.


Borderlands: Top 6 Most Selfless Characters, Ranked

The Borderlands games are full of quirky and selfish characters, but this list aims to highlight the most selfless characters on Pandora.

Among this chaotic mob, a select few characters shine with immense power. Whether as playable characters that make the entire game feel like a breeze, or through story beats that shake up the lore, these characters steal the spotlight and seem like the bravest and boldest in the entire known universe. According to legend, these are the strongest characters. borderland.

Updated on October 24, 2024 by Connor Hogg: Playable Vault Hunters and villains deserve a place on this list, but given the scope of the Borderlands universe, there will always be more powerful characters. Raid bosses and NPCs also deserve a place on the list, and the ancient history revealed in the legends gives fans more details about the most powerful siren in Gearbox's wild and strange world of Borderlands.

10 Athena

Former Assassin Vault Hunter

Athena character from Borderlands

October 20, 2009

Open Criticism Evaluation

She first appears as an unexpected ally. borderland DLC, General Nox's Secret Arsenal, Athena Served as leader of the Crimson Lance's assassin squad. The Lance were a private militia paid for and trained by the Atlas Company. Having risen to the top and become one of the best agents, she is already far ahead of most of Pandora's marauders, but Athena is tricked into killing her lost sister and teams up with the Vault Hunters against the evil organization. The first game to defeat a general in DLC.

Debuts as a playable character in . Borderlands: Pre-SequelShe utilizes her shield and her incredible abilities in battle to tear through her enemies with one of the most powerful options in the game.

9 amara

Siren with style

Amara from Borderlands 3

first person shooting game


role playing

September 13, 2019

Open Criticism Evaluation

With her backstory as a vigilante on her home planet, amara I have good relationships with other sirens. Each of these characters possess powerful psychic abilities that can warp the world and wreak havoc with devastating effects. Amara herself wields massive fists that can burst into enemies, inflicting massive damage, and can even project herself a short distance to cut down hordes of enemies in front of her.

All Sirens only increase in power while off-screen, and Amara was already one of the most powerful options for players. Borderlands 3She can only improve, making her a likely contender for a higher spot when new games in the series are released.

8 creek

A friendly psycho who is nearly impossible to defeat.

Krieg in Borderlands 2

September 18, 2012

Open Criticism Evaluation

Available as a DLC character Borderlands 2, creek What a lovable lunatic. It may be unusual for a player to become Krieg after defeating numerous psycho enemies. Especially since fans will hear his incomprehensible gibberish and crazy screams. He was experimented on, but managed to escape, and a part of his mind remains so that he can protect his friends by attacking only those who deserve it.


Borderlands: Every LGBTQ+ Character in the Franchise

The LGBTQ+ community is incredibly underrepresented, but thankfully games like Borderlands are working to change that.

In battle, Krieg wields a massive Buzz-Saw Ax. This ax can be wielded or thrown like a melee weapon to deal massive damage. Krieg himself has the ability to charge at enemies, blowing himself up or even breathing fire, making him nearly impossible to take down. His lack of self-preservation comes in handy on his vault hunting adventures.

7 maya

A siren with incredible supernatural powers.

Mayan Aiming Gun Borderlands 3

  • First appearance: Borderlands 2

Another siren to add to the list. strong borderland character, maya This is a playable character Borderlands 2He returns for the third installment as a very influential figure in the story. She was used as a menacing weapon of mass destruction by the religious group that trained her, and escaped to seek her fortune (and possibly the origins of her strange powers) on Pandora.

Her siren ability, Phaselock, allows her to trap enemies in another dimension, and if the player builds it correctly, enemies can take more damage, explode, or even cause nearby enemies to open fire on their allies. Her supernatural powers make her a force to be reckoned with. Borderlands 3 We see Maya training a new successor who will gain siren powers before her untimely death.

6 Salvador

dual wield expert

Salvador from Borderlands 2

  • First appearance: Borderlands 2

Many people touted it as an easy mode. Borderlands 2, Salvador It's definitely awesome. This short, muscular man can wield two guns at once. This means you can fire a rocket launcher and a sniper at the same time if you want.

Salvador can have a scary damage output that many fans consider underwhelming compared to other characters in his party, with a variety of skills that make him impossible to kill while in 'Gunzerking' state. With a penchant for excessive violence and a list of crimes that include cannibalism and public indecency, players should be glad to have Salvador on their side.

5 Calypso Twins

Conjoined twins with twice the power

The Calypso Twins from Borderlands 3

  • First appearance: Borderlands 3

A pair of sirens born as conjoined twins become the world's greatest threat. Borderlands 3. Tyreen and Troy Calypso Both have access to the extra-dimensional abilities of Sirenkind, and their powers drain the energy of their enemies, usually resulting in their death. They even succeeded in draining Lilith of her Siren powers, though she survived.

Given their access to more powers and the fact that they share a supernatural bond, the twins are incredibly powerful together. Tyreen single-handedly fused with the Destroyer to become an all-powerful monster.

4 release

Powerful character with great action skills

The release of Borderlands 3

  • First appearance: borderland

release Appeared in all main lines Borderlands game. In the first installment, she is a playable Siren who uses the Phasewalk ability to disappear from sight, travel a short distance, and then explode back into reality, damaging nearby enemies. In the second game, Lilith became a much more powerful siren. She can travel much greater distances and can even take characters with her when she teleports.

There seems to be no limit to her power as long as she can use iridium as fuel, and she takes over command of the Crimson Raider and leadership of Sanctuary, becoming a skilled tactical being. Her wanted poster lists 'sorcery' as one of her crimes, and she starts a cult solely by showing off her fiery abilities. Although she claims her powers come from her looks, fans can expect to see more background on the Siren in her next release. gearbox.

3 angel

Techno Siren and Handsome Jack's Daughter

Borderlands 2: Angel the Siren

  • First appearance: Borderlands

First appeared in the original game as a sentient AI who unites the Vault Hunters. angel It will be revealed in borderlands 2 You become the daughter of Handsome Jack, who is being used as an omniscient surveillance network and part of the key to open the safe for her father. As a siren, Angel's powers are enough to charge the Bolt Key and gain access to the Destroyer, but her phase powers are some of the most powerful abilities around.

She calls it “Phaseshift” and it allows her to control all technology connected to the massive network she oversees. The first hint of this is that she opens doors for the player, but her control over turrets and cameras makes her a force to be reckoned with. Her powers were first revealed when a terrified Angel was captured and used her powers to shoot into a turret, which defeated her captors but also accidentally killed her mother.

2 Hyperius the Invincible

Raid Boss with Vault Changes

Borderlands 2. Invincible Raid Boss Hyperius

  • First appearance: Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlet and the Pirate's Spoils

Appears only as an optional raid boss. captain scarlett DLC pack Borderlands 2, Hyperius the Invincible A surprising amount of lore is provided that establishes him as a real threat to the Vault Hunters of Pandora.

Hyperius, an engineer who worked for Hyperion during the takeover of Pandora, was present when the Vault was opened and was transformed by the strange energies within. Not only did they drive him crazy, but they also gave him unstable strength and resilience.

One of the toughest raid bosses, Hyperius can instantly destroy a Vault Hunter's entire shield and summons minions to boost his defenses.

1 Nyriad

destroyer of destroyers

Borderlands 2 Eridium Bloght Volcano

  • First appearance: Mentioned Borderlands 3

borderland The players will never meet Nyriad In the current game, you can uncover knowledge about these mysterious sirens through a lot of exploration and investigation. Borderlands 3. Nyriad lived among the Eridians, ancient beings whose technology was light years advanced. Nyriad was ultimately the one who succeeded in sealing the powerful monster Destroyer in the Vault.

Achieving this level of power required the sacrifice of every Eridian, and Nyriad used the power that claimed billions of lives to seal the Destroyer so that he could no longer harm others. Nyriad realized her power was too strong and sealed herself in a vault, becoming not only the most powerful Siren ever revealed, but also one of the most selfless.


Borderlands: The 8 Worst Vault Hunters According to Legend

According to legend, these are the worst Vault Hunters in the Borderlands series.

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