The narrative system of CIV 7 is a game changer

Like everything civilization Before that, the game, Seed Mayer's Civilization 7 It shakes the entire formula with a lot of new features. From dividing civilization with leaders to the introduction of the Army Commander Civilization 7 It will be new to Veterans when the game begins. But it is one of all changes CIV 7One new feature turns off in a unique direction. New appearance story mechanic of the game.

In an interview with a recent Game Rant Civilization 7ED Beach, a lead designer of the lead designer, shared his thoughts on this new system and was pleased to see why he was in the hands of the fanbase. Specifically, he talked about how it accumulates Civilization 6What you can expect when the gossip system and the player join hands.


SID Meier's Civilization 7 Review

SID MEEER's CIVILIZATION 7 takes the core formula of the franchise, checks a lot of functions, and provides another great strategy experience.

The narrative of Seed Mayer's Civilization 7 is a game changer.

The narrative of CIVILIZATION 7 comes from the gossip of CIV 6.

The idea of ​​this new narrative system came after Firaxis has been looking for for a long time. Civilization 6Gossip system. This system will inform the player about what happens around the world, informing the player about the various things that happen in the world or built, or the discovery of the foundation. It provided them with better insights in the surrounding world, but Beach felt that it failed and wanted to make something better.

“The system we found Seed Mayer's Civilization 6 Perhaps it was too noisy. There were too many stirs for the player to actually participate and pay attention to it. There was an interesting idiot there, but I missed the players. We took it out for it Seed Mayer's Civilization 7, BWhat we did is the same technology as being supplied to a new story system to the game system about what happened in the game world. “

Instead of hearing gossip, things are happening Civilization 7The world of the world is built with this new story. For example, if the city is flooded several times, there may be events that can be done with him. Some can be so simple, and some can be caused by a huge story. There are a lot of new events depending on what each play can be done so that the two games are not similar.

The story that has emerged can lead to something special

This urgent story case civilization official. They can not only add unexpected excitement to the play -through, but also give the game an endless playback. According to Beach, Firaxis can't wait for the player to do.

“We can track how many stories are shown to the player in the new game engine, so it's really interesting to find out if people are seeing this complex story right after the game starts. It's a journey, but we are really excited about the potential for what we can do to expand our experience. Seed Mayer's Civilization 7 What can the player, the MOD community, can do?

The studio can actually track these events, so you can see what events occur and how they occur. also, civilization Modders can take a concept and run it with him to add a unique event to the experience. As a result, the player can talk about the harsh stories of Firaxis and the community over a few years. And if the system is a hit, it can be built more for the next few years.

SID Meier's Civilization VII Tag Page Cover Art

Grand Strategy

Turn -based strategy



February 11, 2025

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