Key Takeaways
Speculation about a Pokemon Black and White remake has been going on for years, and a recent “leak” has only amplified the situation.
Despite rumors, there is no information about the supposed remake from the recent Gigagalc.
The lack of information suggests that the remake may never have existed or may not have been close to completion.
Pokemon Black and White Remake has been in the hearts of the Pokemon community for a long time.
Talk about The Pokemon Company remaking the 5th generation titles has been going on for years, with more and more “leaks” popping up recently.
Pokemon Black & White Receives HD-2D Overhaul by Fans
One Pokémon fan has given us an idea of what a black-and-white HD-2D remake would actually look like.
But strangely enough, 10 days after the release of the biggest leak, Pokemon Gigagalc, news of these remakes has gone unnoticed.
Is the Pokemon Black and White Remake real?
Rumors of a black-and-white remake have been floating around for a while, but the new gear actually started rolling out this year.
In February, fans began to believe that Nintendo was teasing a remake. After that, the rumors started to pick up speed, and as early as last month, the trademark Pokemon TCG set name seemed to point to black-and-white content, but nothing came of it.
Fast forward a month and Pokemon Gigaglik has begun. We've learned how Pokémon and humans had children, details about the full creation myth, the potential setting for the next mainline game, plans for scrapped content, and even how Pokémon creators worried about arson attacks after Ash left. I even got news about it. Japanese cartoon movie. But again, there is no news about the Pokémon Black and White remake.
In fact, Black and White was the most neglected game due to these leaks, with very little information coming out about it. We found out that Black and White 2 will have no new Pokémon due to the backlash from the first game, and that Yoshi's Egg has been recreated in the game engine, but that's about it.
So what exactly does that mean? maybeSuch a remake never existed in the first place, or at least not as close as has been suggested. Take this with a grain of salt. However, considering the sheer amount of data about the upcoming Pokémon games that has been released, one would have assumed that if the black and white remake were real, it would have been one of the first things shared. .
Alas, that wasn't the case and the wait continued.
pokemon black