The termination punishment of Marvel Rivals is the evil you need.

It is not difficult to see where it is Marble Inspired Overwatch. From a simple concept of 6V6 competency -oriented multiplayer games to certain characters such as HANZO and GENJI very similar to Hawkeye and Black Panther, it is clear that NetEASE is most inspired by the Blizzard 'S. Overwatch concept. But Netare has almost 10 years of fuss. It can look back Overwatch I did well, but I was able to improve and lack the game when the game first started.

One of these features was that of that penalty. but Overwatch I have always been punished for ranking play Marble It develops this one step further and disadvantages the player to break the connection too often in a fast game without stigma. Given the pickup and playback characteristics of The Casual Game Mode, some can be found excessively, but it is one of the main reasons for the game. Marble Currently, we are in a healthier place than to borrow a lot of ideas.


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Marvel Rivals is a huge list of heroes and villains, and Marvel's demon symbiotic serial killer can bring a lot to the table.

The reason why Marvel Rivals needs a penalty to quit

If you are not discouraged, the Marvel Rivals experience for everyone will be improved.

Obviously, the penalty of leap will be important in competitive game mode. If someone ends anger, it is basically trapped in fighting an impossible battle to eat the ranking loss, so it becomes seriously unfair to the other five players of the team. In order to discourage this type of action in the more serious aspects of the economy, Leaver's penalty is trying to actively do its best and improve technology. Losing a game that has been ranked by a player (or people who are interrupted during play) will be the most title. Marble Players can experience.

The river penalty in the ranked mode is logical, but some players can scratch their heads because the penalty is applied. Marble'Casual game. Fast play pickups and play nature seem to encourage people to come and go as they want.

However, in a game focused on teamwork MarbleIt will never cut it. The capricious player has a negative impact on the flow of the game. Team members cannot access the winning Ultimates, and the team composition is constantly changing at an irresistible speed, which is the case when the game mode allows backfields. In the same game Marble or OverwatchIn the casual mode, the interests played a miserable match with other teams of the team, and Netere tried to interfere and minimize the action as much as possible.

Marvel Rivals' leap penalty is not very aggressive.

When everything says and ends Rival'The leap penalty does not stop the game. The biggest argument for Leaver punishment is that it is unfairly punished for those with untrusted internet connections. And it is true that it is delayed Marble Matching or deletion may cause penalties. Rival The player provides a short grace to join the game before Demerit falls into his account. This can help players who have legally suffering from the Internet hiccups with the opportunity to join the original game and to avoid being shown in quircles.

Even if someone has a passionate game moment and is willing to break the connection in a casual game, this game allows one or two events to be seriously forgiven for a five -minute match for matchmaking. It goes back with fun. Ranking ban is a bit worse, but Marble In a more serious game mode, the player who actively and intentionally sandbags is easier to qualify for a few minutes in the timeout corner.

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