This gathering may break the planeswalker trend


  • The limited number of Planeswalker cards, often of multiple colors, limits deck building in MTG.

  • The recent 2024 MTG set has primarily featured planeswalkers of different colors, which has impacted deck diversity.

  • Wizards of the Coast is addressing the issue of multi-colored planeswalkers in future sets.

There are a lot of internal rules that Wizards of the Coast needs to work out when designing something new. Magic: The Gathering Cards like this that respect the color pie and consider what a given card's effects bring to the table. For example, all colors Magic: The Gathering It can be removed in any form, and has different themes and average costs to express the philosophy of color pie and various color combinations. The Planeswalkers were shaken. Magic: The Gathering's gameplay has evolved significantly over the years, and although it was introduced with single-colored cards, it eventually began populating the sets with more color combinations.

color combination Magic: The Gathering This can be particularly interesting both from a card design, philosophy, and gameplay perspective. Examples come from the following various Rakdos combos: Magic: The Gathering The idea is to allow players to win while taking on high costs or high risks. While you have cards of different colors. MTG While this is often a good thing, it can cause significant deckbuilding concerns, especially for card types like planeswalkers that are printed in small quantities in each set. In fact, many sets contain only one or a few planeswalkers, and whenever there are multiple colors, it can be difficult to include them in some decks. Nonetheless, WotC may be looking to change this trend.


Magic: The Gathering may not be able to reprint a single classic card in Standard.

New cards and reprints appear fairly frequently in Magic: The Gathering's Standard format, but a single classic card is less likely than ever to be reprinted.

Why one-of-a-kind Planeswalkers per set in multiple colors is a big deal in MTG

Why do planeswalker cards come in different colors? Magic: The Gathering What may be a problem is that after Wilds of Eldraine, Wizards of the Coast decided to only provide one planeswalker per set. So, with only a limited number of planeswalkers in play each year, using mostly multicolor cards can severely limit your deckbuilding. As a result, some Planeswalkers are playable, but struggle to make their mark within the meta because they require specific decks and colors to work.

Wilds of Eldraine was released on September 8, 2023, and started a new trend by being the first MTG set to include only one Planeswalker card outside of reprints and guest cards.

The idea of ​​only one planeswalker card per set isn't necessarily a bad thing. This allows Wizards of the Coast to focus more on each Planeswalker's goals and alignment, and how that affects the sets they appear in. The limit of one new Planeswalker card per set means that it can be difficult to fit them into decks depending on the format. Magic: The Gatheringstandard and non-persistent formats.

MTG Planeswalkers from the 2024 Set Explained

In 2024, several Planeswalker cards were printed, and only one of them was a solid color. This was Jace Reawakened, a blue card from Outlaws of Thunder Junction. On the other hand, all of the other planeswalker cards from last year were multicolored. These include:

  • Kaya, Spiritual Justice (White and Black) – Murder at Karlov Mansion

  • Oko, the mastermind of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction (green and blue)

  • Lal, Quick Wit (Blue and Red) from Bloomburrow

  • Kaito, Nightmare Defiler (Blue and Black) from Duskourn: House of Horror

Jace wasn't even the “face” planeswalker that appeared on Oko in last year's Outlaws of Thunder Junction. With a total of four planeswalkers in the 2024 main set, deck building can be quite challenging without a dedicated monochromatic planeswalker.

Magic: The Gathering is attempting to solve the problem of multi-colored planeswalkers.

furthermore, Magic: The GatheringDespite the new release schedule for 2025, there are no Planeswalkers in the UB set. That means there will only be three Planeswalker cards this year. However, WotC's Mark Rosewater recently confirmed that the company is working to address the issue of multicolored planeswalkers and limited deckbuilding potential.


It's still unclear what exactly Wizards of the Coast has planned for future planeswalkers, as they want to make sure they aren't too restrictive color-wise, but fans can wait and see. The first Standard-legal set of the year is: MTG's Aetherdrift is scheduled to release in February and will feature Chandra as a themed Planeswalker, but not much is known at the moment.

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