Throne and Liberty: The Beginning of Misfortune Walkthrough

There are many areas to explore teaKrone and Freedom; Each comes with its own side quests that players can complete through Codex entries. This quest is unlocked after activating the Waystone in the area, causing it to appear on the player's map. Most areas are visible on the map, but there are some areas that are hidden away from the rest. It's an ant nest. This area is located northeast of Vienta Village, just below the Raging Wilds icon on the map. It comes with a tricky little quest: the beginning of misfortune.


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This town is no joke There are swarms of ants everywhere, and they can gather quickly and overwhelm the player. The recommended level for the Ant Nest area is at least level 35, but you should be a few levels higher to enjoy it more easily. The beginning of misfortune is dealing with numerous large enemies in an ant nest, so being strong against their attacks is essential for survival. Here's everything players need to know to be successful in Beginning of Misfortune.

How to Complete the Beginning of Misfortune

Throne and Freedom - The Beginning of Misfortune

There are three goals Here's what players need to complete this quest:

  • Collection: Exploration Log: Collect pages from ant nest
  • Honeypot Ant Treatment
  • Kill giant acid ants

One of these is very simple to remove, but the other two are Can be a little tricky.

Collect pages from the collection: Expedition Log: Ant Nest

The icon for the location of this page doesn't appear on the map, but it's not that difficult to find. It can be found early on in an ant nest. Directly above the food storage area of section.

Upon entering the larger areas of the ant nest, players will find several pits into which they can fall. There's something in them. It is called ‘Mysterious Memo’. This is the page you are looking for. Interact with it to pick it up to complete this objective.

Honeypot Ant Location

Throne and Liberty - Honeypot Ant Eggs

This is the trickiest part of the quest, as players will have a lot of trouble finding and defeating the honeypot ants. the problem is there There is no icon on the map Or an indication of where to find honeypot ants in the nest.

There are several locations where honeypot ants can spawn, and the area south of the ant nest seems to be the best place to find them. Players must watch out for the giant, glowing eggs. These are honeypot ants.

To make honeypot ants come out of these eggs, the player must You have to defeat the little ants around you.. This is easier said than done because, as previously mentioned, they flock. Players must keep moving to avoid being surrounded.

whatever you use
Powerful AoE attack
It will help a lot in keeping these little ants away.

Fortunately, when the honeypot ants come It's not that difficult. All the player needs to do is attack with their biggest attack and it will go down without much of a fight.

Kill giant acid ants

Throne and Freedom - Giant Acid Ants

The easiest part of the quest is: icon on minimap Allows the player to find one of the giant acid ants. They're everywhere and wouldn't be that hard to track down.

What's even better is that they are easily taken down as long as the player attacks them with powerful attacks. They only need to worry about the small enemies around the giant acid ants. Otherwise you can find it. They themselves were quickly outnumbered..

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