Thrones and Liberty Best Blademaster Builds

throne and freedom Players can build their characters however they want, swapping out weapons and tweaking some of their stats, leading some to come up with some of the craziest mashups for their characters. One of the most powerful builds currently rampaging through PvE and PvP megas is blade master (Greatsword + Daggers) is taking the final edition of the game by storm.

This build not only provides mobility and high survivability, but also one of the most powerful extra clear builds in the game. This is higher than most DPS builds and also allows for some off-tanking if things turn south in the dungeon. So, let's take a look at how to put together this powerful combo, including which skills to prioritize and which ones to prioritize. Weapon Mastery It's the best.


Throne and Liberty: The Best Staff Skills to Unlock

Players will want to unlock the following staff skills in Thrones and Liberty sooner or later:

Best Greatsword and Dagger Builds in Throne and Liberty

Choosing greatswords and daggers as primary weapons gives players access to incredibly powerful skills. This relies heavily on critical strike chance, but combining this with the strong crowd control debuff of the Greatsword skill gives players more opportunities to damage enemies as a group. For statistical distribution we follow:

  • 30 strength (Strength increases overall weapon damage, HP, armor, and health regeneration.)
  • 29 Agility (Agility increases chance to hit, critical strike chance, attack speed, evasion, and also increases damage.)
  • 20 awareness. (Perception increases hit chance, debuff chance, overall damage, and also increases buff duration.)

Applying debuffs is a great way to deal cumulative damage and use CC to gain an advantage over groups of enemies. Since most PvE enemies you see in the game tend to swarm, this is a great build to counter the AI's annoying tactics. It also has strengths in PvP when enemy players are encamped in competitive areas.

This build assumes that players have reached max level and have a decent amount of stats to deploy (up to 49 stat points at level 50).

This combination allows the Blademaster to fight quickly, hit hard, mitigate damage, and significantly extend the duration of any applied buffs.


Throne and Freedom: Cooking Leveling Guide

If you want to level up your cooking skills in Throne and Liberty

Best passive skills for the Greatsword and Dagger of Thrones and Liberty

Next, we'll pick the best passive skills players should prioritize. Level up fairly, but use the following skills first. Cold Warrior and Assassin's InstinctBecause they will be the main stars of the show.

Since we're aiming for a high-damage build based on the Thundercloud status effect and the cold debuff from the Greatsword active skill specialization, the next step is choosing the active skill and corresponding specialization.

for Weapon MasteryPlayers must choose which one matches better with: bayonet However, we strongly encourage them to: face off Choose the branch because it offers higher damage rates, chance to stun and debuff, and reduced cooldown. poison branch dagger, This gives this build a huge advantage due to the increased debuff duration, mana efficiency, and cooldown reduction.

Best active skills for the Greatsword and Dagger of Throne and Liberty

in throne and freedomWeakening enemies equates to triggering certain status effects that depend on the weapons the player uses and the specializations they add to their skills. In this case, Thundercloud and Frost will be the primary status effects to prioritize to enhance the greatsword damage ability and dagger cumulative damage effect. Let's take a look at all the active skills and their respective specializations that we should choose.


Specialization 1

Specialization 2

Specialization 3

destructive tornado

Ice Tornado (Destructive Tornado)

Reduced cooldown (Destructive Tornado)

Da Vinci's Courage

Da Vinci's Chill (Da Vinci's Courage)

Instant Healing (Da Vinci's Courage)

Gaia Crash

Frost Cleaving (Gaia Crash)

Increased attack speed (Gaia Crash)

Increased critical hit chance (Gaia Crash)

dark spirit

Thunder Spirit (Shadow Spirit)

Increased damage (Shadow Spirit)

brave melee

Valiant Brawl

cutting through the moonlight

Effect accumulation (moonlight splitting)

Continuous use (moonlight splitting)

death blow

Cooldown reduction (Death Blow)

fatal stigma

Increased damage (lethal stigma)

AoE Damage (Critical Brand)

amazing blow

Increased damage (stun blow)

guillotine blade

AoE damage (guillotine blade)

devastating smash

poison injection

Lightning Injection (Poison Injection)

iron point parry

Not only is it likely to trigger the Cold and Thundercloud status effects, but with high area of ​​effect damage, a Fury Attack that inflicts two stuns, and access to the powerful Guillotine Blade and Death Blow, this build will inflict some serious pain on enemies surrounding the player. , and the damage increases the more time you spend around it.

On the downside, this build is quite weak in one-on-one PvP, but it's great as a support CC in group PvP, so keep that in mind before jumping into Contest Mode events and raids.

Blademaster skill rotation for Throne and Liberty

This build has many powerful buffs that increase attack speed and buff damage, so use them wisely. The main character of this performance is Da Vinci's Calm, An improved version of Da Vinci's Courage, which not only increases attack speed but also deals increased damage and inflicts the Cold status effect on enemies around the player. This is dark spirit It will also cause thundercloudThis is especially true if the player uses Ice Tornado.

For stronger opponents, start the fight and follow up by applying Lethal Stigma to a high-priority target (field boss, dungeon boss, etc.) and then Lightning Infusion. cutting through the moonlightThen use Umbral Spirit to accumulate more Thundercloud. This should trigger the Lethal Brand effect, and any enemies near the chosen target will also suffer the consequences of the explosion. This can cause significant damage and can even cause a critical hit, doubling the total damage inflicted.

Another good tactic is to group enemies together with a quick dagger attack, then debuff them with Ice Tornado and Frost Cleaving, then use Devastating Smash and Guillotine Blade. This causes significant damage to enemies and allows players to refocus on other groups with the remaining skills causing Thundercloud. Fatal Stigma will soon become a major source of damage. It's especially good for adding clears thanks to the AoE specialization. The only concern players should consider is their mana pool, but this can be addressed by replacing the passive with one that returns a lot of mana and provides some healing in return for using skills.

The Cruel Smite, Stunning Bow and Death Blow combo is pivotal to the Greatsword/Dagger skill rotation, so having it ready every 6 seconds will help players land a finishing blow on a specific target, especially when Cruel Smite goes Heavy. This is an attack that inflicts area-wide damage to nearby targets. This means players should always have access to one of these three rotations, and learn how to use them in order for maximum efficiency.

Best gear for the Greatsword and Dagger combo of Thrones and Liberty

Get the right equipment throne and freedom This can be tricky, especially in competitive endgames, where having the best gear can be problematic. With that in mind, let's take a look at the best gear for Greatsword and Daggers users and how their stats can benefit your Blademaster build.

  • Tevent's Warsword of DespairAgility +3, Strength +4, Stun Chance + 42 – Unique Skill: Tevent's Despair Trap: When applying collision, shock, or stun with a great sword skill, an area with a radius of 1.5m is created around the target and explodes in 1.5 seconds. , deals 325% of base damage.
  • Fang of Rex Chimerus Agility +8, Weakening Chance +117, Wildling Bonus Damage +8
  • Field General's Plate Strength +2, Perception +1, Stun Chance +26 (Full Set Bonus: Melee Heavy Attack Chance +150 – Mobility Skill Range +10%)
  • Field General's Helmet Perception +1, stun probability +37, maximum health +230
  • Field General's Gauntlets Attack speed +2%, awareness +4
  • Field General's Greaves Strength +2, Agility +1
  • Field General's Sabatons Movement speed +2%, Strength +4
  • Eldritch Ice BandAgility +4, Weakness Chance +58
  • Amber Warp Ring Movement speed +2.4%, strength +1, agility +2
  • Belt of Bloodlust Movement speed +2%, strength +2, maximum health +200
  • Necklace of Carnage Strength +4, Melee Evasion +94
  • Bracers of the Primal King Perception +4, bonus damage 7

Continuously increasing your strength, awareness, and agility, this set of items further enhances the performance of your Blademaster kit. The increased heavy attack chance and greater range of mobility skills provided by the Field General set bonus allows players to reach greater distances and initiate combat with devastating smashes, and the increased debuff and stun chance these items provide allows all CC effect is greatly strengthened.

that Tevent's Warsword of Despair Unique skills are also useful for dealing with larger groups of enemies, especially in advanced portal Tier 2 dungeons, where most add-ons can cause serious damage if uncontrolled and killed quickly. Lastly, the extra movement speed that Sabaton provides; Dimensional Ringand Belt of Bloodlust This is useful for changing positions while the player is waiting for cooldown rotation to re-enable.

throne and freedom

October 1, 2024


NCSoft, Amazon Games

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