Vessel of Hatred – Evasion Spiritborn Build Guide

With launching Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred DLC 6th Diablo 4 Classes have been added to the game. The Spiritborn class is incredibly mobile and plays almost like a mix of the following classes: diablo 3 Monk class and D4 Bad class for all builds – maybe a few D4 The wizard was also thrown in there.


Diablo 4: Spiritborn Centipede Leveling Build

Contaminate entire hordes of demons with the poison-centric Centipede leveling build for the Spiritborn class in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred.

Almost all Spiritborn builds are very powerful. Diablo 4But Evade Spiritborn is on another level. When done correctly, the gameplay Diablo 4 The Evade Spiritborn build is basically an endless loop of dodging and casting Quill Volleys, abusing the Storm Feathers mechanic, and using other skills to fill in the gaps, further increasing the damage.

Updated on October 28, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Evade Spiritborn Build D4 The build that players can put together has received some nerfs since the release of the Vessel of Hatred DLC and the highly anticipated new D4 class, but it's still one of the most broken builds in the game. By making the right choices while leveling up and dodging around the map in the end game, you can destroy everything in your path, including bosses, almost instantly. This guide on the best Evade builds Spiritborn Diablo 4 players can make has been updated with information to help you get off on the right foot in the endgame with the best Evade Spiritborn Paragon boards and emblems. Once you reach max level, check out this new section to learn how to spend Paragon Points with your D4 Spiritborn Evade build and which glyphs are best for each recommended board.

Evade Spiritborn Build Overview

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Evasion Spiritborne Overview Eagle Ultimate

Evade Spiritborn Built-in Diablo 4 is one of the most powerful builds available in. vessel of hate. Everything in this build focuses on two mechanics: Eagle Spirit Hall selection and allowing you to cast Evade as often as possible.

When you select the Eagle Spirit Hall, your Spiritborn character will fire a storm feather at enemies, inflicting Vulnerability and dealing massive damage whenever they dodge. This Evade Spiritborn build uses a combination of Evade's cooldown-reducing abilities and Quill Volley skills to create a hybrid movement and spellcasting playstyle that tears through all but the most difficult high-pain content.

Attacking with Quill Volley reduces Evade's cooldown, so you'll rarely need to press the basic attack input as long as you have Vigor. With a new rune word system Diablo 4: Vessel of HatredEach time you dodge, you can recover a huge amount of vitality.

I'll spoil some of the aspects and skills recommended for this build, but a few are absolutely necessary. To start this build, you'll need an Eagle Soul Scepter selection, boots that reduce dodge cooldown when attacking, and aspects that boost Vitality and Storm Feather potency.

Evasion Spiritbone Skill Tree and Spirit Scepter

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Evasion Spiritborn Build Skill Spirit Hall

Skills for Evasion Spiritborne Build


active skill

active skill node

Passive Skill


thunder spikes

Enhanced Thunderspike

Not applicable

accelerated thunder spikes


quill volley

Empowered Quill Volley

Active and balanced exercise

advantageous quill volley



enhanced glide

Focal Point, Apex, Diminishment, Mirage

supplement sour


Improved Marauder

Marauder Replenishment


armored leather

Reinforced Armored Leather

endurance, patience

Reinforced Armored Leather


Not applicable

Not applicable

brilliance, acceleration

Not applicable



Harmonious Seeker

All left passive nodes

noble seeker

Evasion Spiritborn Key Passive: Vital Strike

The last decision you need to make in your skill tree is your core passive selection. Spiritborn has four main passives, but the main passive best suited for an Evade Spiritborn build is Vital Strikes.


Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred – Sacred Hunt Walkthrough

By completing the Sacred Hunt quest in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, the Spiritborn can unlock a unique class feature called the Spirit Hall.

This allows you to deal a whopping 45% more damage to vulnerable enemies, and granting Vulnerability restores 2% Life and 5 Vitality, but removes the Vulnerability effect. This isn't a huge drawback, as you'll inflict Vulnerability almost every time you cast Quill Volley.

Best Spirit Hall Picks for Your Evade Spiritborn Build

As a Spiritborn, you can choose from four Class Hall spirits as your primary and secondary spirit guardians. Primary and secondary Soul Guardian effects vary, but primary Soul Scepter choices tend to be more impactful.

For an Evade Spiritborn build, Eagle should be your primary choice. This grants a massive movement speed bonus when using Eagle skills and fires storm feathers when dodging, leaving enemies vulnerable. All skills will also become Eagle skills, allowing certain aspects and abilities to trigger much more frequently.

For a secondary Spirit Guardian, Evade Spiritborn should also be used in conjunction with The Eagle, but if you don't have an aspect that can use the same Spirit for both choices, Jaguar is a viable secondary choice. The Eagle provides Critical Strike Chance for every short distance it travels, while the Jaguar stacks Ferocity, which increases attack speed and in turn increases the vitality generated to allow attacks to continue between dodges.

Aspects and Unique Options for Evade Spiritborn Builds

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hate Spiritborn Build Side Evasion

gear slot


side effect


aspects of turbulence

Soar casts a vortex at the location, pulling enemies in and dealing additional damage.


Immortal Aspect

When casting a skill, it heals up to 2.5% of your health, doubling if it is below 50%.


Aspect of the Cursed Hand

Lucky Hit: 20% to 40% chance to apply a Vampire Curse, making you vulnerable.


Aspects of the Swamp of Bondage

Nearby enemies or enemies taking indirect damage are slowed for 3 seconds. Deals 20% more damage to slowed enemies.


Aspects of Sky Power

Lucky Hit: Up to 25% chance to create a Mystic Circle. When you cast the Eagle skill within a circle, the circle moves and explodes when dodged.


statue of a falling feather

Using a mobility skill or dodging creates a storm plume behind you that falls from the sky and deals lightning damage on impact.

ring 1

Edge Master's side

Skills deal up to 25% more damage when cast, depending on base resources available.

ring 2

aspect of joy

Lucky Strike: Attacking a vulnerable enemy has a 15-25% chance to reset the cooldown of your Dodge. Each stack of Feral increases the chance by 3%.


rebound side

Quill Volley's feathers explode at maximum range and return to the caster, dealing 35% to 55% normal damage.

Avoid Spiritborn Unique Options

  • Ring of First Breath
    • ring
    • When you dodge, you regain vitality and the damage is doubled after stacking Resolve. It also grants the Armored Hide passive.
    • Small chance drop from all enemies and Obol vendors.
  • Mantle of Loyalty
    • control
    • When Spirit Hall bonuses match (primary and secondary) the bonus is doubled and skills of the same type gain significant vitality cost and cooldown reduction.
    • Drops from Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint, and Obol merchants.
  • Cephazonetec
    • 2H staff
    • Sepazontec is a strong option for this build as it ensures that your basic attack always benefits from the third attack bonus. Every third attack deals triple damage, with a third attack bonus each time.
    • Dropped from Maggot King Duriel and Obol Merchant.


Diablo 4: The Best Way to Produce Legendary and Unique Items

Legendary and Unique items provide the strongest power spikes players can get in their Diablo 4 build. Here's an efficient way to farm for them.

Spiritborn Build Avoid Paragon Boards and Glyphs


Best Evade Spiritborn Paragon Board Picks and Legendary Nodes

board name

Legendary Node Effect


Board 1: start

Not applicable


Board 2: drive

This D4 Paragon Board increases damage when moving by 3% for 10 seconds, stacking 10x.


Board 3: Sapping

If you cast the same Spirit Hall skill 3 times in a row, vitality is restored by 15% and damage increases.


Board 4: viscous shield

Damage increases by 1% for every 3% of maximum life you have as a barrier.

jagged feathers

Board 5: convergence

Increases damage by 20% of your two highest bonuses combined, up to a maximum of 30%.


Best Evasion Spiritbone Glyph

  • Soul Glyph Basic Effects: Critical damage increases every 5 times the agility within the range.
    • Additional emblem bonuses: (Requires 40 Dexterity in range) Enemies hit with a critical hit take more damage for 20 seconds, stacking 5 times.
    • Legendary Glyph Bonus: Increases damage against elites.
  • Canny Glyph Basic Effects: Non-physical damage increases per 5 times the intelligence within the range.
    • Additional emblem bonuses: (Requires 25 Int in range) Amplifies the non-physical damage taken by enemies and then multiplies non-physical damage taken from you by 10x.
    • Legendary Glyph Bonus: Further increases non-physical damage.
  • Giant emblem basic effect: Gorilla skill damage increases by 5 times the strength within the range.
    • Additional bonus: (Requires Strength 25 at range) Increases damage for every stack of Resolve.
    • Legendary Bonus: Increases damage to nearby enemies.
  • Jagged feather emblem basic effect: Storm Feather damage increases every 5 times the agility within the range.
    • Additional emblem bonuses: (Requires 40 Agility in Range) When you create a Storm Feather, your attack power and speed are increased by 5x for 5 seconds.
    • Legendary Glyph Bonus: Further increases lightning damage.
  • Talon Glyph Basic Effect: Eagle skill damage increases every 5 times the agility within the range.
    • Additional emblem bonuses: (Requires 40 Agility in Range) Increases critical damage with the Eagle skill.
    • Legendary Glyph Bonus: Further increases lightning damage.

Spiritborn Runewords and Mercenary Evasion

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Evasion Spiritborne Build Runeword Mercenary

Best Evade Spiritborn Runewords

  • Runeword 1: CemLum
  • Runeword 2: CirGar
    • Requires Cir and Gar runes.
    • Posted in pants socket instead of gem
    • Effect: Increases critical hit chance by casting the same spell 3 times in a row.

Best Mercenary for Evade Spiritborn

  • Primary hired mercenaries: Subo
    • Traps that cause CC and Vulnerability, as well as movement speed bonuses
  • Best Reinforcement Mercenaries: laher
    • Set taunt to cast whenever a player is injured


Diablo 4: How to Get Runes in the Vessel of Hatred

To obtain the rune, Diablo 4 players must first unlock the system by owning the Vessel of Hatred DLC and progressing through the main storyline.

Avoid Spiritborn stats, attachments, and gems

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Evasion Spiritborne Build Gem Attachment Statistics

Key Stats and Affix Priorities

  • Spiritborn Base Stats Avoidance
    • wit
    • intelligence
    • armor
  • Best Affix for Evade Spiritborn Gear
    • Storm Feather Benefits
    • Cooldown reduction
    • Reduces dodge cooldown on hit (boots)
    • movement speed
    • Generate Vitality (Passive or On Hit)
    • Critical Chance
    • Barrier creation and maximum lifespan

Best Gem for Evade Spiritborn

gear slot





Grand Emerald (Dexterity)


Grand Emerald (Dexterity)




Grand Emerald (Dexterity)


Grand Skull (Armor)

ring 1

Grand Skull (Armor)

ring 2

Grand Skull (Armor)


Grand Sapphire (vulnerable to damage)

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