What to do with a PDA?

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Stalker 2: Heart of Cornobyl is definitely more complex than its predecessors, and because of that, there are quite a few items players can carry around for no apparent reason. One of them is that you'll find a lot of PDA players around the wasteland, and some fans may be wondering what to do with it all.

The problem with PDAs is that they bring useful information at the cost of taking up inventory space, and while they may seem a little light at first, this can become a problem very quickly if the stalker is not aware of the weight limit. And that punishment. So what should you do with your PDA? Here's what players need to know:


Top tips to make money fast in Stalker 2

Coupons are the currency in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, and players can do a number of things to earn enough coupons to purchase items and expensive upgrades.

Where should I leave my PDA?

There are two types of PDAs: informational and quest-related. Information PDA automatically transmits information to the player's own PDA, which is then archived or displayed on the map for save locations. Quest-related PDAs have a characteristic “brown checkmark” in the upper left corner and can be considered “important items.” So the Quest PDA cannot be left behind. Otherwise, players will not be able to find important items for main and side quests. For this reason, we have a “fail-safe” system in place to prevent loss, dropping/selling/deposit.

In the first case, PDAs that may be marked as “disposable” should be safely sold as coupons to traders such as Hamster or Huron. Alternatively, if players don't like giving away these collectibles, they can keep them safe somewhere like this: Player lockers located near all merchants in all faction bases.

The PDA will “automatically read” and add to the notes section right next to the journal menu, but you can also read it manually to actually see what information it contains. Most contain contextual information, but others may contain additional secret information, such as indications on how to access specific caches or find artifacts and hidden weapons. It's up to the player to look at all the PDAs in their inventory and decide for themselves if they're worth reading.

Can I sell or keep my Quest PDA?

As previously mentioned, there is no way to store Quest PDAs, but fortunately, once the player completes the associated activity for a particular PDA, those PDAs will immediately disappear, leaving empty space in their inventory and, of course, no extra weight. . So for Brown Tick PDA, the best approach is to complete the quest and safely dispose of it before your character becomes overweight.

For reference, each PDA weighs exactly 0.2Kg. This means that having 5 will add 1Kg to the player's inventory. In a game where weight can be incredibly punishing (even more so if you're being chased by a horde of angry mutants), it adds Kg. It can mean the difference between life and death.

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