Why Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Double Down on the Fantastic Beasts Aspects of the First Game

hogwarts legacybrings the timeless world of magic and wizardry to life through impressive graphics and a beautiful, interactive map of Hogwarts. But there are understatements, especially in relation to the original. harry potter The movie is a fantastic beast.

After a while hogwarts legacy There are a lot of things in the works that can be gained from the universe that weren't available in the first game. and hogwarts legacy The most sophisticated and knowledgeable harry potter Being the game it is to date, a sequel will have a lot of work to do on its own. This can be achieved by adding more creatures to further solidify the thriving magical ecosystem.


Hogwarts Legacy: Description of all magical beasts

There are 13 magical creatures to catch in Hogwarts Legacy. Here's everything players need to know about each.

Mystical creatures in Hogwarts Legacy make the world feel alive.

Existing Harry Potter beasts set the precedent for future games.

Among the 13 types of creatures that appear in hogwarts legacySome are undeniably iconic. first of all, HP The hippogriff of space is probably the most well-known creature thanks to Buckbeak. There's also the Niffler, made famous as Newt Scamander's furry companion. magical animals movie. And of course there are Unicorns, Thestrals and Phoenix. harry potter.

hogwarts legacy Players can have an aviary housing fantastical creatures found around Hogwarts and in the beautiful, wider world. The Vivarium introduces ways to save these adorable creatures of the magical world from poachers and provides ingredients for spells and potions. A sequel would need to maintain the usefulness of these creatures to make the gameplay rewarding, but their overall role in the narrative could be improved.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 could have a stronger story with more creatures

Depicting the unseen beast could contribute a lot to the long-loved lore while representing the classics of the series. Here are a few examples that single-handedly demonstrate the need for creatures to take on larger roles in any story. Hogwarts Legacy 2 Establish relationships, either as friends or enemies.

First, players can choose a pet (only owls, cats, rats, and toads are allowed at Hogwarts). Here's a plant for herbalism fans. hogwarts legacy Since they can be used during combat, it's not a stretch to have an animal companion that does the same thing and provides a mechanical complexity and bond that lasts throughout the game.

Werewolves might have something interesting to offer. harry potter's interpretation of werewolves has been seen almost exclusively through fan-favorite Remus Lupin. Considering that lycanthropy can affect ordinary wizards, werewolves Hogwarts Legacy 2 This can be good quest material, introducing a protagonist with an interesting backstory or even a powerful enemy. Or perhaps we could discuss their complicated and feared status in the wizarding world in general.

There is opportunity even at the core Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-basilisk. Considering their famous petrification and poisonous bite abilities, they could provide some memorable quests and resulting boss battles. And in fantasy storytelling about large lizards, dragons belong to the symbolic realm. Although one appears in hogwarts legacyThere is more to explore, especially as you can see below: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

There are also Dementors. The great disappointment that followed hogwarts legacyThe release of was Azkaban. A quest unique to Hufflepuffs takes you to the famous wizard prison. This left a dark and mysterious place well known to everyone. harry potter Fans feel like it was a missed opportunity for every player. Given the danger of Dementors, they could be interesting enemies depending on how the story unfolds.

There may be more options. harry potter While large in and of themselves, applying just a few of these adjustments can Hogwarts Legacy 2 It can come a long way. While the role of fantastical beasts in the first game was impressive, there's a lot more room for elaborate quest writing throughout the game, and several magical creatures would be the perfect path towards that.

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