World of Warcraft's $90 Mount Controversy Explained

World of Warcraft: The War Within has been celebrating the game's 20th anniversary with a variety of special events. In addition to all the in-game fanfare, the store also debuted some new cosmetics to fit the festivities. One such newcomer is the Trader's Gilded Brutosaur, a giant sauropod that celebrates all of its past expansions.

Even though shop mounts have been a staple for a long time at this point, the Black Brutosaurus has angered a lot of people. world of warcraftThese are the players. There's a whole world of context to these dinosaurs that isn't immediately obvious, and the impact of their appearance was felt far and wide. To understand the impact this vehicle had on the game, we have to go back in time about five years.


World of Warcraft's New Subscription Offer Explained

World of Warcraft is currently offering a variety of bonus items, including mounts and pets, to those who purchase a 12-month subscription to the game.

The Brutosaurus in Battle for Azeroth was literally a game changer.

Battle for Azeroth is the current expansion that features a new continent filled with prehistoric reptiles. Players struggled to collect dozens of new vehicles, most of which were dinosaurs. Two types of dinosaurs, Devilsaurus (basically a T. Rex) and Brutosaurus, were not made for mounts because they were simply too big. But everything changed with the arrival of the mighty Caravan Brutosaurus.

Affectionately known as “Long Boi” in the local community, this green sauropod was a unique species. It is the largest mount in the game and also comes with two NPCs. While other mounts like the Grand Expedition Yak and Traveler's Tundra Mammoth had simple repair or transmogrification vendors, the Caravan Brutosaur had a never-before-seen Auction House NPC attached to it.

Auction House mounts are worth their weight in gold

On-demand access to the auction house provided incredible benefits to players. People who continually run auctions for marginal profits can now park their dinosaurs next to their mailboxes and sell or bid on them to their heart's content. Speed ​​is of the utmost importance in very fast economies, especially since the auction house is shared across all servers.

Plus, an intruder can make a quick purchase. wow You can eliminate long trips to the capital by ensuring you have the items you need during your activities. This shaves minutes off competitive radar times, giving you a distinct advantage. The new $90 mount goes even further, providing its own mailbox and eliminating the need for mailbox toys and pets.

Players had to either crack it or miss it completely

The mighty packhorse Brutosaurus cost players 5 million gold in Battle for Azeroth, and with the release of the next expansion's pre-patch, this dinosaur mount will no longer be obtainable. If your in-game gold were transferred in WoW tokens ($20 each), that would be about $500 in BFA. Now the only way to get it is on the black market auction house, where it will sell for $10 million, the current gold limit.

Why WoW's New Brutosaurus Will Surprise the Playerbase

The Trader's Caravan Brutosaur costs $90, and as players quickly found out, it's an absolute steal compared to its predecessor. Converting it to tokens gives you about a million gold, or at least it did for a short time. Players quickly took notice of this loophole, and the price of WoW tokens has skyrocketed, with prices likely to rise further as players try to get their hands on useful mounts.

If the price of WoW tokens rises rapidly, it will have a significant impact on the entire game. A significant number of players pay their own fees. world of warcraft A subscription that uses in-game gold to purchase tokens. One token can save you a month of game time, and players who already can't afford the subscription fee will feel incredibly pressured as the token's gold price rises.

world of warcraft's economy is heavily dependent on WoW tokens, as the ebb and flow of WoW tokens can affect the prices of all goods on the auction house. It's hard to imagine that a simple mount could have such an impact on the game, but demand for tokens far exceeds supply, putting players in a chaotic race to salvage what they can.

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